Jumping the Nail Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jumping the Nail Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Dru perceived by the other teenagers?
(a) As being too smart for her own good.
(b) As coming from the wrong side of the tracks.
(c) As a mother hen.
(d) As being a feather brain.

2. Why does Dru want to leave the Nail?
(a) The kids there are drunk.
(b) She has to get home before her mother.
(c) It is too cold and windy.
(d) She needs to work in the morning.

3. What does Elisa tell Dru about what she said to her concerning the drowned girl?
(a) She was only joking.
(b) To report it to the police.
(c) Her vision was just messed up from the fog.
(d) Forget everything she said.

4. How does Dru see the crowd at the Nail waiting for the jump?
(a) As too young for her.
(b) As being everything she wants to be.
(c) As mean spirited.
(d) As kids helping each other be brave.

5. Why is Elisa considering a jump?
(a) Scooter wants her to go with him.
(b) She loves danger.
(c) She has things to prove.
(d) She's hoping to accidentally kill herself.

6. What does Scooter bring with him to wear on his jump?
(a) An orange life jacket.
(b) A multi-colored scarf.
(c) A helmet.
(d) His ex-girlfriend's bracelet.

7. Why does Dru stare out the window in Tom's car?
(a) So she will not get upset with Diane.
(b) She does not like Diane's driving.
(c) She is trying to figure out if it is going to rain.
(d) So she can see which way to go.

8. Who is Diane's boyfriend?
(a) Johnny.
(b) Scooter.
(c) Tom.
(d) Mike.

9. What would Dru like to do about the jump?
(a) Have them wait for a better day.
(b) Call the police.
(c) Jump also.
(d) Talk everyone out of it.

10. What does Hopi look like?
(a) An Australian surfer.
(b) A Native American.
(c) A Japanese.
(d) A blond Greek God.

11. What does Dru wonder about with the crowd around her?
(a) How she ended up a member of that crowd.
(b) Why they think they are better than she is.
(c) Why they are so stupid.
(d) Why she wants to be around them.

12. How does Tom feel about Diane's suggestion to Mike?
(a) Enthusiastic.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Angry.
(d) Unhappy.

13. Why does Sccoter ask Mike and Dru to drive his motor scooter down to the cliff?
(a) He is too nervous to drive.
(b) He wants it waiting for him.
(c) He is anxious to jump.
(d) He wants to talk to Elisa.

14. What does Dru tell Scooter?
(a) That Elisa's mother is on her way home.
(b) That he needs to leave immediately.
(c) That Elisa is not there.
(d) That he is nuts.

15. What does Diane watch Mike do?
(a) Kiss Elisa.
(b) Drink out of Dru's soda.
(c) Put his arm around Dru.
(d) Change into his swimming trunks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Mike's father do when Dru's mother was married?

2. Who is Mike's ex-girlfriend?

3. What is the temperature of the water off the Nail like?

4. What does Scooter yell up to Elisa?

5. Why is Scooter at Elisa's house?

(see the answer keys)

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