Julian Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Julian Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Towards the end of Julian's campaign in Persia, although he continues to base many of his decisions on signs and omens, Julian:

2. After reading Julian's journal, Priscus learns that Julian:

3. Julian relies on his financial adviser to advise him on how to deal with shortages caused by the famine. This adviser's name is:

4. Priscus says that the omens for Julian personally are:

5. Julian's religious fervor seems to have an impact on his troops, as evidenced by a conversation about religion between:

Short Essay Questions

1. When Julian's army and the general populace begin calling for Julian to become Augustus, he seems unsure how to react. Do you think he wants to become Augustus or not? Why does he seem to act so coy about the people's call?

2. What is Constantius' response when Julian is acclaimed Augustus by the people? What does he do? How do you think he feels?

3. Julian claims to be tolerant of different religions. Why does he feel compelled to attempt to initiate religious upheaval among the Romans and convert them from Christianity to Hellenism? What makes him think he can succeed at this monumental task?

4. Priscus, for one, takes a different viewpoint about Julian's popularity and his claims that he is beloved by the army and the people of Rome. What does Priscus say to Libanius about Julian's public image at the time of his ascension to Augustus?

5. What happens during the year of the famine in Antioch? Who is responsible for the famine? Who is blamed?

6. Julian may have a sense that he is becoming drunk with power and losing touch with real people and real issues. Describe the incident at the baths that illustrates his awareness.

7. Describe the incidence of Helena's death.

8. How does Julian deal with the famine in Antioch?

9. Once he is Augustus, how does Julian display his disdain for Christianity?

10. After several months as Augustus, Julian's temperament changes, according to Priscus. How does Julian change and why do you think this change occurs?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Julian enjoys his 47 days in Athens immensely. Why does Athens appeal to Julian? What does it represent to him? Explain the significance of this period in Julian's life.

Essay Topic 2

Select a minor character from the story of Julian and discuss this character's role in the overall story. Explain how this character is developed throughout the story and what his/her purpose is from a literary standpoint.as well as with respect to advancing the plot and revealing the main character, Julian.

Essay Topic 3

Libanius and Priscus introduce the story of Julian, participate in the action, and exchange correspondence that ends the book. What are the roles of Libanius and Priscus in the story? What narrative or stylistic purposes does it serve to have their letters and their recollections about Julian woven into the story? How do you reconcile their memories with his? Do you think they are sympathetic to Julian or not? Why or why not? How would you describe the literary purpose of these men with respect to the story?

(see the answer keys)

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