Jude the Obscure Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jude the Obscure Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Arabella react to Jude's slaughtering of her pig?
(a) She is sad but knows it is necessary.
(b) She becomes angry.
(c) She is proud of him.
(d) She enjoys watching him learn.

2. How is Arabella described when she is first introduced in the novel?
(a) As ugly and mean.
(b) As very kind but not very smart.
(c) As incredibly smart but shy.
(d) As young and pretty.

3. Why does Sue ask Jude to move to Melchester?
(a) So he will have somewhere other than his aunt's house to live.
(b) So he can be nearer to his children.
(c) So he can protect her from Mr. Phillotson.
(d) So he can be nearer to her.

4. What job does Sue take that keeps her close to Jude?
(a) A pupil-teacher.
(b) A dancer.
(c) A librarian.
(d) A painter.

5. Where does Arabella finally seduce Jude?
(a) At his house.
(b) At her house.
(c) Out in the fields.
(d) At his aunt's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much savings does Jude have when he arrives in Christminster?

2. How long after his marriage to Arabella does Jude finally arrive in Christminster?

3. How old is Jude in the first chapters of "Jude the Obscure"?

4. What does Sue buy statues of one day?

5. Why does Jude get in trouble with the police while driving his aunt's delivery cart?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Jude's aunt lament the fact that he is living with her?

2. What are Sue's statues so controversial?

3. What does Jude's aunt tell him when he arrives at her house after his big fight with Arabella?

4. How does Jude first find out about Sue?

5. What does Jude do in order to prepare to leave for Christminster for the first time?

6. Why does Mr. Phillotson tell Jude about why he is leaving Marygreen?

7. What alternative way does Jude learn about for entering the church?

8. What deal do Dr. Vilbert and Jude make when they meet each other in Part I?

9. What does Sue have to say about the model of Jerusalem that she, Mr. Phillotson, and the schoolchildren go to see?

10. What kind of advice does Arabella seek -- and receive -- from her friends not long after she meets Jude?

(see the answer keys)

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