The Joy Luck Club Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Joy Luck Club Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lena is certain her mother is able to _________________________.

2. Lindo is ashamed that Waverly _________________________.

3. The grandmother wonders if the child is laughing because __________________________________.

4. Lindo's mother told her as a child that _________________________________.

5. Ying-Ying's name means _____________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. "Peach blossom luck" is a feng shui belief that certain objects and angles in a room will influence the happiness and longevity of a marriage. Discuss why or why not this might be possible.

2. What is the purpose of a mother trying to impose her own values on her daughter's life?

3. Did Lena's mother knock the table over that shattered the vase in her bedroom?

4. Why did An-Mei feel she had no choice but to marry Wu Tsing?

5. Lindo was a very strong girl, traveling alone and finding her way in San Francisco. How does Waverly compare to her mother in terms of strength and character?

6. What does Jing-Mei's mother mean when she says that everyone else, with the exception of Jing-Mei, wants the best quality? How is Jing-Mei different?

7. The fact that June Woo's mother has searched for a lifetime for her two daughters, and then dies before she can see them again, is strongly ironic. How might the story have been different if she had lived to make the trip to China and reunited with her daughters?

8. Ying-Ying's story is vast and complex, and one that her daughter has never known or understood. Why, in this chapter, has she decided to tell Lena everything about her life?

9. Why is An-Mei's family so miserable?

10. Does Rose grow in this chapter?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Do a thorough re-read of The Joy Luck Club and scan for recurring devices that make the story come alive. They are subtle, but you will notice that Amy Tan meticulously plants them in the right places to give her story consistency and to give her readers a real sense of her culture. One example is how she uses "smells" throughout the story - the smells from the sewer in Kweilin, Lindo learning to smell the toilets to be sure they were clean and being able to detect the amount of salt in a soup by its smell, the cat putting a stink on Suyuan's door, the smelly crab -- these are just a few instances.

Essay Topic 2

Write a small, authentic Chinese cookbook, complete with recipes using some of the odd and unusual ingredients used in Chinese cooking. Note the creativity used in Chinese recipes, the origins of which were used out of necessity and to make use of what was available. No microwave recipes allowed!

Essay Topic 3

Research and write a biography on the author, Amy Tan. In addition to general information about Tan, draw some conclusions as to how and why she knows so much about a time before she was alive. Is her material all from personal experience or is it researched?

(see the answer keys)

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