The Joy Luck Club Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Joy Luck Club Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The woman intends to learn in America how to __________________________________.
(a) Raise her own food
(b) Open a business for Chinese
(c) Speak perfect American English
(d) Raise swans where they are free

2. The clothes Ying-Ying wears for the Moon Festival are ________________________.
(a) Ritual clothes
(b) Five Evil clothes
(c) Tiger clothes
(d) Festival clothes

3. When in China, the women of the Joy Luck Club were not allowed __________________________.
(a) Focus on winning
(b) To think a bad thought
(c) To drink more than one cup of tea
(d) To leave before sixteen hours were up

4. The swan represents to the old woman ____________________________.
(a) Flight to a new land
(b) Freedom and a new life
(c) The beauty of nature
(d) All of her treasures and values

5. When she immigrated,what did Lena's father rename Ying-Ying?
(a) Angel
(b) Su
(c) Teresa
(d) Betty

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Ying-Ying's rescuers determine she was not a beggar?

2. What did Jing Mei guess was the capital of Finland?

3. What was Ying-Ying's unspoken wish?

4. The woman transported the swan ____________________________.

5. The woman's daughter speaks _______________________.

Short Essay Questions

1. Since the little girl is too young to be told about them all, discuss what some of the twenty-six malignant gates might be.

2. What is the root problem in Rose's marriage?

3. The parable is obviously based on a current-day story in which one of the mothers in the book tries to warn her daughter of her superstitions. Discuss other instances in the book up until this point where mothers feel they know so much more than their daughters.

4. Why would Lindo begin to think of her cruel husband as a god?

5. Lindo Jong became the property of her husband's family long before she went to live with them. Discuss how this changed the way her mother perceived her and treated her.

6. Discuss the reason that An-Mei's mother is considered a "ghost" and does not live with her children.

7. The Moon Lady says woman is the dark yin, and man is the bright truth of yang. How did this kind of thinking affect the characters in this book over their lifetimes?

8. Why is Waverly disrespectful of her mother?

9. This parable is loaded with symbolism. Since the old woman paid a "foolish sum" for the swan, and then loses it, what might this symbolize?

10. Why might it be that Jing-Mei continues to be a failure?

(see the answer keys)

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