Joy in the Morning Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Joy in the Morning Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Carl worry about happening to Jello?
(a) That he'll bite Annie.
(b) That he'll get sick.
(c) That he'll run away.
(d) That he'll dislike the baby.

2. In Chapter 19, what does Annie do with the cigarette she finds?
(a) Throws it out.
(b) Smokes it.
(c) Gives it to Carl as a gift.
(d) Asks Carl why it is there.

3. Who dies shortly after Carlton is born?
(a) The funny nurse.
(b) The bookstore owner.
(c) Aggie.
(d) The university grocer.

4. In Chapter 17, what side work does Carl find?
(a) Giving legal advice.
(b) Tutoring.
(c) Drafting a will.
(d) Running estate sales.

5. What bothers Carl about Annie calling the baby "hers"?
(a) Nothing.
(b) He doesn't want her getting too attached.
(c) He thinks the baby belongs to itself.
(d) He wants her to say "theirs".

6. Who recommended summer classes to Carl?
(a) Annie's doctor.
(b) The dean.
(c) He found them himself.
(d) Annie.

7. In Chapter 15, why does Annie say she feels superior to other female students?
(a) Because of her writing skills.
(b) Because of her cottage.
(c) Because of the dean's compliments.
(d) Because she's going to be a mother.

8. Where does Annie visit Mr. Byrd in Chapter 20?
(a) New York City.
(b) The university town.
(c) A local restaurant.
(d) In Lodin.

9. During Annie's first gynecological exam, what is the doctor's only concern?
(a) Her attitude.
(b) Her narrow pelvis.
(c) Her financial situation.
(d) Her pain tolerance.

10. How does Annie feel when Carl sells back his textbooks in Chapter 18?
(a) Upset.
(b) Excited.
(c) She doesn't care.
(d) Confused.

11. How does Carl feel about his time after the birth of Carlton?
(a) That it's worth more.
(b) That it's slowing down.
(c) That it's too full.
(d) That it's going too fast.

12. What does Annie discover makes her baby move around a lot?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Singing.
(c) Reading.
(d) Dancing.

13. How does Annie describe her summer in Chapter 16?
(a) Fun.
(b) Slow.
(c) Fast.
(d) Boring.

14. What book does Annie buy and read in Chapter 18?
(a) Dubliners.
(b) Wuthering Heights.
(c) Atlas Shrugged.
(d) War and Peace.

15. How does Annie feel when Carl asks to borrow her alarm clock?
(a) Excited.
(b) Confused.
(c) Angry.
(d) Nervous.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Carl discuss making large purchases with in Chapter 21?

2. In Chapter 19, where does Annie find a cigarette?

3. How does Annie want to spend the five dollars Carl earns in Chapter 20?

4. Why does Carl take summer classes?

5. Why does Carl apply for a student loan in Chapter 13?

(see the answer keys)

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