Journey to Topaz Test | Final Test - Medium

Yoshiko Uchida
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Journey to Topaz Test | Final Test - Medium

Yoshiko Uchida
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Yuki try to buy to eat in this chapter?
(a) Chocolate.
(b) Icecream.
(c) Mints.
(d) Coca cola.

2. Which character decides to join the army?
(a) Mr. Toda.
(b) Mr. Sakane.
(c) Ken.
(d) Yuki.

3. What does Yuki bring as a gift for Emi?
(a) A chocolate.
(b) An ice cream.
(c) A shell.
(d) A fossil.

4. Which of the following inspects the camp before everyone leaves?
(a) Amnesty.
(b) The UN.
(c) The FBI.
(d) The CIA.

5. What does Yuki envision when she hears the name Topaz?
(a) A metropolis.
(b) A burning hell.
(c) Vast farmland.
(d) A quality location.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the authorities issue to the adults once a month?

2. Who does Yuki spend a lot of time visiting in chapter thirteen?

3. Who does Yuki receive a letter from?

4. What does Mrs. Sakane insist Yuki does?

5. What does Mrs. Sakane make outside her apartment?

Short Essay Questions

1. Summarize chapter 11.

2. What does Yuka overhear the internees saying on their way to Utah?

3. Describe the Sakanes' new accommodation.

4. Why is Yuki upset in chapter ten?

5. How does the camp begin to get better in chapter thirteen?

6. Why does Ken decide not to accept a place at university?

7. Why does Yuki have to spend time in an unfamiliar in chapter twelve?

8. How does Mr. Kurihara pass his time at the camp?

9. What did Mr. Sakane experience in Montana?

10. Summarize chapter sixteen.

(see the answer keys)

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