Journey to the End of the Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey to the End of the Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What field of research does Baryton want Bardemu for?
(a) Electroshock therapy
(b) Psychology
(c) Counseling
(d) Magnetic field therapy

2. What earns Bardamu a bad reputation in Section 16?
(a) Smacking a child
(b) Throwing things at a child
(c) Throwing a child
(d) Shouting at a child

3. In what way in Section 18 does Bardamu think Robinson is being honest?
(a) He is striving to be a moral character and do whatever it takes to do so
(b) He has given up trying to appease her or be moral to society
(c) He hates Grandma Henrouille
(d) He never lies about himself

4. What favor does Robinson ask for?
(a) A report on conditions at the hospital
(b) A hospital job
(c) A medicine
(d) A reference

5. What is wrong with Grandma Henrouille?
(a) Nothing
(b) Diabetes
(c) Insanity
(d) Cancer

6. How does Molly try to help Bardamu?
(a) By telling her friends about him
(b) By writing him love poetry
(c) By looking for another job
(d) By organizing a party for him

7. Whom does Bardamu propose to marry in Section 13?
(a) A waitress
(b) An actress
(c) A politician
(d) A police officer

8. What party do Robinson, Madelon and Bardemu attend in Section 23?
(a) The houseboat party
(b) The theater party
(c) The political party
(d) The party in the park

9. What does Bardamu shout down to the people under his window in Section 13?
(a) Praise
(b) Joyful tidings
(c) Insults
(d) Poetry

10. Who does Bardamu sleep with in Section 21?
(a) Molly
(b) Musyne
(c) Madelon
(d) Lola

11. Why do people flock to see Grandma Henrouille's show?
(a) She looks death in the eye and laughs
(b) She is so bad at it
(c) It is so cheap
(d) It is the only amusement there is in town

12. What can Bardamu not bring himself to do as a doctor?
(a) Collect what little money they have
(b) Perform an operation
(c) Charge too high a fee for his services
(d) Dentistry

13. Where does Bardamu next work?
(a) At a museum
(b) On a houseboat
(c) At a movie theater
(d) In a hospital

14. What does Bardemu suspect about the dreadful news he hears just as he is leaving Toulouse?
(a) That Robinson killed her
(b) That it was an accident
(c) That it was bound to happen sooner or later
(d) That Madelon killed her

15. When does Bardamu start hallucinating?
(a) When he drinks with the Polish girl
(b) When he goes to the crypt
(c) When he goes to the carnival
(d) When he dances with the Polish girl

Short Answer Questions

1. What shop does Henrouille visit while in Toulouse?

2. In Section 14, who does Bardamu start seeing romantically?

3. How many mummified bodies are there in the crypt in Section 21?

4. Where does Bardamu visit Robinson and Grandma Henrouille in Section 21?

5. Who does Bardamu go to see in Section 17?

(see the answer keys)

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