Journey to the End of the Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey to the End of the Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Bardamu think Sergeant Alcide is so honorable?
(a) He sends all his money back to his niece
(b) He never swears
(c) He is always courteous
(d) He always treats his soldiers well

2. What family do Bardamu and the individual he starts hanging around with in Section 7 go to see?
(a) Alcide
(b) Grapper
(c) Henrouille
(d) Puta

3. What event is about to happen in world history, across Europe at the beginning of the book?
(a) The First World War
(b) The Korean War
(c) The Black Death
(d) The Second World War

4. How does Bardamu think Americans solve their boredom?
(a) By fighting it out
(b) By going to the movies
(c) By negotiation
(d) By going to work

5. What do the soldiers have to do every month in order to get supplies?
(a) Rebuild the dock
(b) Fight off the natives
(c) Bribe their superior officers
(d) Sail upriver

6. In Section 11, how does Bardamu survive the jungle?
(a) He finds Alcide
(b) He is carried out by natives
(c) He meets Robinson
(d) He treks out on his own

7. What illness does Bardamu suffer from in Section 11?
(a) Typhoid
(b) Denge fever
(c) Malarial fever
(d) Polio

8. What does the bearded man in Section 10 do to Bardamu?
(a) Sells him to the natives
(b) Attacks him and beats him up
(c) Steals the cash box
(d) Ties him up

9. What does Princhard believe will happen to himself?
(a) That he will be sent back to the front
(b) That he will be sent to his family
(c) That he will be shot for treason
(d) That he will be pardoned

10. As stated in Section 3, how is Robinson similar to Bardamu?
(a) They both come from the same hometown
(b) They both wish to flee the war
(c) They both long to die in battle for their country
(d) They both have the same color eyes

11. Who does Bardamu meet at his trading outpost in Section 10?
(a) Lola
(b) Princhard
(c) Robinson
(d) Madelon

12. Where does Lola and Bardamu go that sparks Bardamu's nervous breakdown?
(a) The cafe
(b) The hospital
(c) The town hall
(d) The carnival

13. Where does Bardamu wake up after his illness in Section 11?
(a) In a church
(b) In Paris
(c) On a boat
(d) In a hospital

14. What is illusory about the soldiers under Grappa and Alcide's command?
(a) They have no equipment but pretend they still do
(b) They have enemies but pretend they do not
(c) There are no soldiers
(d) There is no barracks for them to quarter in

15. What happens when Bardamu tries to resign his post?
(a) He is shot for treason
(b) He sees his captain killed
(c) He is attacked for cowardice
(d) He is allowed to resign

Short Answer Questions

1. What reasons does the Mayor of Noirceur cite for his treachery?

2. Who is the main character?

3. What does Bardamu think he is going to find in America?

4. Who is Madamoiselle Herote?

5. Whom does Bardamu meet outside while investigating a town in Section 3?

(see the answer keys)

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