Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Castaneda lose track of as he begins to follow the lessons of Don Juan during the morning?
(a) His notebook
(b) His thirst
(c) His bag
(d) Time

2. Agreement is not enough, according to Don Juan, he should instead ____________ instantly.
(a) Change
(b) Sing
(c) Understand
(d) Be grateful

3. How should one's fingers be curled as one walks, according to Don Juan as he speaks to Castaneda?
(a) Tightly
(b) Loudly
(c) Quietly
(d) Gently

4. Castaneda wants to know what Don Juan has ___________ to him since no one else knew about that bird.
(a) Proven
(b) Done
(c) Brought
(d) Shown

5. When a rock crashes down a hill nearby, Don Juan tells Castaneda that it is an _____________
(a) Agreement
(b) Argument
(c) Inititation
(d) Omen

6. What can a person do when a person learns how to stop the world, according to Don Juan?
(a) They can change the future
(b) The world can collapse
(c) They can bring back the dead
(d) They can fly

7. What was different about the bird Castaneda and his grandfather hunted on his grandfather's farm?
(a) It was albino
(b) It was green
(c) It had three wings
(d) It was lame

8. Castaneda tells Don Juan that he is a _____________ and that cannot be changed.
(a) Person
(b) Medicine man
(c) Male
(d) Yaqui Indian

9. Don Juan does not believe that Castaneda is trying to ___________. He believes Castaneda's life is just as bad as when they met.
(a) Understand
(b) Learn
(c) Hunt
(d) Change

10. Don Juan tells Castaneda that one can stop ______________ at the drop of a hat.
(a) Anything
(b) Listening
(c) The rocks
(d) The heart

11. Don Juan tells Castaneda it is important that Castaneda not __________ him.
(a) Agree with
(b) Listen to
(c) Fight
(d) Ignore

12. Don Juan believes the _____________ is looking for Castaneda.
(a) Rocks
(b) Wind
(c) Mountain
(d) Peyote spirit

13. Don Juan tells Castaneda that ____________ is our constant companion.
(a) Life
(b) The bird message
(c) Death
(d) Plant life

14. What causes Castaneda to study for a longer period of time before working with Don Juan?
(a) Lack of will
(b) A glance from Don Juan
(c) His friend
(d) Lack of money

15. What kind of farm did Castaneda's grandfather own when he was a boy?
(a) Chicken
(b) Dairy
(c) Tomato
(d) Corn

Short Answer Questions

1. A creature that is impossible to track is something that happens ______________.

2. Don Juan lets Castaneda know that he has no ____________, which confuses Castaneda.

3. Don Juan tells Castaneda to ____________ if it will put him at ease after his experience with the plant medicine.

4. To Castaneda, Don Juan's ways would make his life more ____________.

5. When one shifts the way he looks at the world, he can have a double ___________ of the world.

(see the answer keys)

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