Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Ginzburg sent to work?
(a) Weaving coop.
(b) Quarries.
(c) Mines.
(d) Farm fields.

2. What happens when Ginzburg exercises in her cell?
(a) She slips on the stone.
(b) She gets sick from breathing the moldy air.
(c) She is told it is forbidden.
(d) She gets bad shin splints from the stone floor.

3. What strikes Ginzburg when talking with Tulub?
(a) Ginzburg feels that Ginzburg's life story Ginzburg is telling is someone else's.
(b) Tulub is so optimistic despite everything she's been through.
(c) Tulub has such a strong faith in a god force.
(d) Tulub still believes in the greater good of Communism.

4. What does Nabob sentence Ginzburg to do?
(a) To hand over all her writing materials.
(b) To spend three days in the underground punishment cell.
(c) To not eat for a week.
(d) To move to a cell by herself and where talk to no one else.

5. What is Ginzburg allowed at Magadan Infirmary?
(a) To take baths.
(b) To receive letters from home.
(c) To help care for the patients.
(d) To eat better.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the women happy to do?

2. What do the women become proficient at during the day?

3. Who is Pickwick?

4. To which hut is Ginzburg assigned after leaving the infirmary?

5. What are Ginzburg and the other prisoners no longer permitted to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Ginzburg compare Kostik to Keyzin?

2. Who is Marya Dogadkina and how is she described?

3. What does Ginzburg learn about her father and how does this seem to cause unwarranted punishment?

4. What new rule is forced upon the prisoners and how do they react to the restriction?

5. How old is Ginzburg when she is writing this book and what does she find difficult to believe?

6. What does Dr. Pickwick insist upon in treating Julia and Ginzburg?

7. Who teaches the new prisoners how to fake their lumber quota?

8. Upon what does Ginzburg reflect when she hears that Lenin's widow has died?

9. What happens when Ginzburg is having a conversation with Zinaida Tulub?

10. What happens when Ginzburg is taken to Magadan Infirmary?

(see the answer keys)

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