Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the latest of the higher members of the Party to be imprisoned?
(a) Yezhov.
(b) Zhdanov.
(c) Bukharin.
(d) Tukhachevsky.

2. About what is Ginzburg happy even after her horrible experiences?
(a) She finds her husband alive and waiting for when she is released.
(b) Her mother was still alive when Ginzburg is released.
(c) She met so many wonderful people.
(d) True Commuinsts are in power.

3. What is different about the women in Hut 7?
(a) They have more freedom than the others.
(b) They are under the greatest restrictions.
(c) They are politically the highest group.
(d) They are convicted murderesses.

4. Who comes to see Ginzburg?
(a) The prison governor.
(b) The prison physician.
(c) Her husband.
(d) Her mother.

5. What does Ginzburg's visitor tell her?
(a) Her son is still very ill.
(b) She needs to eat.
(c) Her children are well.
(d) She is having an appeal filed.

6. What does Yaroslavsky open the cell window to give Ginzburg?
(a) A book.
(b) A letter.
(c) A note from the woman in the cell next door.
(d) Words of encouragement.

7. To what does Ginzburg attribute her inability to distinguish one day from the next in the following year?
(a) The lack of clean air and being ill.
(b) The depressing atmosphere.
(c) Her instinct to survive.
(d) Her state of mind.

8. Why are the window fans in the cells shut off?
(a) The electricity is down.
(b) The prisoners complained about the cold air blowing through the cells.
(c) To deprive the prisoners of fresh air.
(d) A worker accidentally blew that circuit.

9. When is the worse time for Ginzburg at the prison?
(a) As she is told to go back inside after being out.
(b) The house after supper before sleep.
(c) Upon waking.
(d) When it is pitch black at night.

10. Why are Ginzburg and the others put in punishment cells?
(a) They gripe about the cold.
(b) They talk too much among themselves.
(c) They sing while working.
(d) They are not cutting enough trees.

11. Who is Vasily Petukhov?
(a) The new prison camp director.
(b) A doctor from Leningrad.
(c) A lawyer from Moscow.
(d) A guard who often whips prisoners.

12. In what month and year are Ginzburg and the others transferred?
(a) July, 1939.
(b) November, 1939.
(c) May, 1937.
(d) July, 1936.

13. From where is Tulub?
(a) The Ukraine.
(b) Leningrad.
(c) Slovakia.
(d) Minsk.

14. What is done over the next three days?
(a) Medical inspections.
(b) Indoctrination begins.
(c) Good food is distributed.
(d) Re-trials for some prisoners.

15. What does Maria Nimtsevitskaya give Ginzburg?
(a) A new pair of shoes.
(b) A wool jacket.
(c) A bottle of multi-vitamins.
(d) A letter from Ginzburg's husband.

Short Answer Questions

1. To which hut is Ginzburg assigned after leaving the infirmary?

2. What does Kucherenko demand?

3. What do both Ginzburg and Julia wonder?

4. Where is Ginzburg assigned?

5. With what are Ginzburg and Julia becoming disillusioned?

(see the answer keys)

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