Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Ginzburg pass out?
(a) When she is choked by an interrogator.
(b) The lack of decent food.
(c) The heat.
(d) The beatings.

2. Who is Yefrem?
(a) A secret police guard.
(b) A driver of the Black Maria.
(c) A man who offers the prisoners some food when the truck is stopped.
(d) One of Ginzburg's former students.

3. What was Julia Karepova's career before imprisonment?
(a) Historian.
(b) Biologist.
(c) Physics Professor.
(d) Librarian.

4. Why do many people believe they are safe from arrest?
(a) They are loyal party members.
(b) They teach in very remote areas.
(c) They are not active in politics.
(d) They have been given medals from Stalin.

5. What does Livanov ask Ginzburg concerning Elvov?
(a) Whether Elvov and Ginzburg were having an affair.
(b) Why Ginzburg wrote several letters to Elvov supporting his ideas.
(c) If Elvov ever passed secret documents to Ginzburg.
(d) How Ginzburg knew Elvov.

6. Who agonizes over the hearing on Ginzburg?
(a) Ginzburg's favorite mentor.
(b) One of her former students whoi s the head of the committee.
(c) Her friends who are caught in their own false accusations.
(d) Ginzburg's third cousin who must pronounce the judgement.

7. To what series of books has Elvov contributed an article?
(a) A series on the famous writers of Russia.
(b) A series on the famous painters of Russia.
(c) A series on the history of the Communist Party.
(d) A series on the fall of Czar Nicholas II.

8. What do Ginzburg, Rimma, Ira and Julia discover?
(a) They have one thing in common that may have led to their arrests.
(b) They are bonding over the stress of prison.
(c) They are all unwilling to compromise their beliefs.
(d) They are the only women transferred to Moscow.

9. Why is Ginzburg summoned to a Party meeting?
(a) For having a book in her home that was published outside of Russia.
(b) For failing to denouce Trotsky strenuously enough in a recent lecture.
(c) For missing two meetings in a row when she was ill.
(d) For not denouncing Elvov.

10. What happens after a period of regular interrogations?
(a) Ginzburg is made to stay awake.
(b) Ginzburg is physically abused.
(c) Ginzburg is shown her son being interrogated.
(d) The interrogations stop.

11. What does Ginzburg do when she explodes in anger at this latest charge?
(a) Curses Stalin.
(b) Denounces Yaroslavsky.
(c) Tries to kill herself.
(d) Denounces her husband.

12. What news does Ginzburg get one day in a singing message?
(a) Her mother is dead.
(b) Her mother has been arrested.
(c) Her husband has been arrested.
(d) Her son is dead.

13. Where is Ginzburg taken?
(a) Black Lake.
(b) Siberia.
(c) Manuch Prison.
(d) She is released to go home.

14. What does Yaroslavsky do concening Ginzburg?
(a) Tries to help her to flee the country.
(b) Denounces her.
(c) Trumps up evidence against her.
(d) Hides evidence against her.

15. What does Ginzburg consider as she is traveling back to Moscow?
(a) Denouncing her best friend.
(b) Suicide.
(c) Forming a group to assassinate Stalin.
(d) Writing a condemnation of Trotsky.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Avodotya Aksyonova advise Ginzburg?

2. Who is Zinaida Abramova?

3. What has Ginzburg heard is an indication she is about to be shot?

4. Why is Nina in prison?

5. What does Ginzburg say in her letter to the secret police?

(see the answer keys)

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