Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Journey Into the Whirlwind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sagidullin think is the reason for the current purge?
(a) To trim the party, which had stopped being such an elite organization.
(b) There does not seem to be a reason for it.
(c) To kill off anyone that might challenge Stalin.
(d) To get Stalin's cronies into all the important positions in the government.

2. What is the so-called method when Ginzburg is harshly interrogated by uninterrupted interrogation with different interrogators?
(a) Waterboarding.
(b) The Stream.
(c) The gauntlet.
(d) The Conveyor Belt.

3. How does Ginzburg defend herself?
(a) By saying that her lecture was not about Trotsky.
(b) By saying that Stalin's deputy of foreign affairs gave her the book.
(c) By saying she was in the hospital and has a note to prove it.
(d) By saying no one in her area has denounced Elvov either.

4. What is Ginzburg told in the meeting?
(a) She is expelled from the Communist Party.
(b) She is to go work on a communal farm and teach there.
(c) She is exonerated of all but three minor charges.
(d) She is to be executed.

5. What does Lydia pray concerning Ginzburg?
(a) Ginzburg will be vindicated.
(b) Ginzburg will agree to the interrogators' wishes.
(c) Ginzburg will be true to her beliefs.
(d) Ginzburg not commit suicide.

6. How is Vevers described?
(a) Cold and calculating.
(b) Irrational.
(c) Kind.
(d) Warm.

7. What does Vevers use frequently?
(a) Marijuana.
(b) Cocaine.
(c) Alcohol.
(d) LSD.

8. How long does Ginzburg's trial last?
(a) Several days.
(b) 18 hours.
(c) 7 minutes.
(d) 10 hours.

9. How does Stalin label sections of the book that Elvov writes?
(a) Full of errors.
(b) Minimalism.
(c) Trotsykyist.
(d) Very accurate.

10. What does Ginzburg call her mother-in-law?
(a) Mother.
(b) Mrs. Aksyonnova.
(c) Avdo.
(d) Grandmother.

11. How long does the second round of interrogations last?
(a) Six weeks.
(b) 5 days.
(c) 1 day.
(d) Three hours.

12. What does Tsarevsky say about Elvov?
(a) He has said Ginzburg contacted him about killing another party member.
(b) He has confessed to participating in a plot against Stalin.
(c) He has killed himself.
(d) He has confessed against Ginzburg.

13. Who is Captain Vevers?
(a) The head of the secret police in Moscow.
(b) The man who interrogates Ginzburg.
(c) The man who tries to be kind to Ginzburg in prison.
(d) The man who forces the interrogator to be humane when questioning Ginzburg.

14. Why is Ginzburg's watch inaccurate?
(a) Its battery is run down.
(b) The dampness of the prison has rusted it.
(c) She forgot to wind it sometimes in prison and only guessed at the time when resetting it.
(d) It has not been wound since she entered prison.

15. Why is Nina in prison?
(a) Her boyfriend is in a conspiracy group.
(b) Her brother denounced Stalin and Nina does not report him.
(c) Her mother said negative things about Stalin.
(d) For failing to denounce someone who denounces Stalin.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Ginzburg taken?

2. What does Avodotya Aksyonova advise Ginzburg?

3. Who is Alyosha?

4. In what year does Professor Elvov visit Ginzburg?

5. Why is Elvov apologizing to Ginzburg?

(see the answer keys)

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