Osborne Russell's Journal of a Trapper: Edited from the Original… Test | Final Test - Medium

Osborne Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Osborne Russell's Journal of a Trapper: Edited from the Original… Test | Final Test - Medium

Osborne Russell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What other hunted animal did Russell compare the hunting of buffalo to in the Appendix?
(a) Elk.
(b) Rabbit.
(c) Fox.
(d) Bison.

2. After tiring of dried meat, what did the men intend to live off of in Part 2 (pp. 144-163)?
(a) Rabbits.
(b) Coyotes.
(c) Goats.
(d) Sheep.

3. How were the stolen beaver skins recognized as belonging to Russell?
(a) They only had Russell's name on them.
(b) They had Russell's and Allen's names on them.
(c) They had Russell's, Allen's, and Biggs' names on them.
(d) They only had Allen's name on them.

4. Which animal ate the rest of the mountain sheep that Russell had stored?
(a) Lion.
(b) Wolverine.
(c) Bear.
(d) Coyote.

5. Which lake was Russell by at the start of Part 2 (pp. 184-196)?
(a) Utah Lake.
(b) Rush Lake.
(c) Fish Lake.
(d) Mirror Lake.

Short Answer Questions

1. As explained in the Appendix, what size of animals does a wolverine eat?

2. What disease had killed the Indians of the abandoned camp the men passed in Part 2?

3. How far away was Mr. Biggs' camp in Part 2 (pp. 124-143)?

4. How did Russell converse with the Indian to learn about his stolen goods?

5. How was the Indian Chief's reaction to the stolen goods described in Part 2 (pp. 124-143)?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Russell heal from his leg injury after returning to Fort Hall in Part 2 (pp. 164-183)?

2. Which skills are involved with buffalo hunting?

3. How did Russell discuss the Shoshone Indians in the Appendix?

4. How was Russell's horse killed in 1838?

5. What did Russell observe at the Indian village at the end of Part 2 (pp. 124-143)?

6. How was Russell left alone at the end of Part 2 (pp. 164-183)?

7. What battle took place at the beginning of Part 2 (pp. 144-163)?

8. What were some of the characteristics of the springs that were near Lewis Lake?

9. What happened when Russell saw a grizzly bear in its den in Part 2 (pp. 184-196)?

10. What did Russell notice about the Salt Lake region in Part 2 (pp. 184-196), and whom did he meet when he returned to Fort Hall?

(see the answer keys)

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