Jonathan Livingston Seagull Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What seems to make Jonathan want to try his flights at even higher heights?

2. What does the strange voice tell Jonathan to do?

3. Who summons Jonathan when he begins to think about teaching the other gulls how to fly?

4. What does Jonathan decide he needs to do with his wings in order to succeed in the dive from #10?

5. Jonathan wishes to free the other gulls from ______ years of scrabbling for fish heads.

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is the seagull that practices flying slowly, far apart from the others as they are searching for food and eating?

2. What does Jonathan realize is the secret to his success in flying close to the water?

3. What happens when Jonathan fails and he begins to turn his thoughts to just sinking to the bottom of the sea?

4. At what height does Jonathan attempt to dive from the morning after his accident and realization?

5. What is the gull speed record that Jonathan sets during his efforts to improve his flying?

6. What is the name of the morning's group of seagulls that are looking for food?

7. What happens to Jonathan once he begins to tell other gulls they do not have to settle for a drab life?

8. What is Jonathan's reasoning for wanting to teach the others?

9. What happens to Jonathan every time he tries to turn a full power dive into a vertical dive?

10. How many seagulls are in the morning Flock of seagulls that are simply trying to find food to eat?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The cycle of the story continues with Jonathan coming to Fletcher as his new guru. The story continues with Jonathan wanting to impart his knowledge to the next generation of Gulls.

Part 1: How does Jonathan contact Fletcher and become his new teacher?

Part 2: What is Fletcher's response to this occurrence?

Part 3: Why does Fletcher seem to need Jonathan's guidance? Or does he? Support your answer.

Essay Topic 2

It seems that in the definition of reincarnation, Gulls do not come back as anything other than Gulls. This seems strange as traditional thoughts on reincarnation say that animals come back as other animals and even humans.

Part 1: Why don't Gulls come back as anything besides Gulls?

Part 2: What does Chiang say will help to break this cycle of coming back as the same species again and again?

Part 3: Why might Gulls be the only species who come back as the same thing? What reasons can you provide?

Essay Topic 3

The idea of Jonathan being a freethinker seems to be both good and bad. At times, it seems Jonathan might be making more of a mess of his life than he needs to.

Part 1: In what ways does Jonathan's freethinking benefit him in this story?

Part 2: In what ways does Jonathan's freethinking hurt him in this story?

Part 3: If you were in Jonathan's shoes, what sort of life would you choose - a freethinker or a follower? What is the reasoning behind your answer?

(see the answer keys)

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