Jonathan Livingston Seagull Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the seagull that feels he has been too harshly and unjustly treated by the Flock?
(a) Fletcher Lynd
(b) Jonathan Livingston
(c) Sullivan
(d) Marshall Weathers

2. Most gulls scorn _________ and slowly go nowhere.
(a) Travel
(b) Learning
(c) Perfection
(d) Growth

3. One must know that one has _______ everywhere at once across space and time, according to the Elder Gull.
(a) Lived
(b) The right to be
(c) Been
(d) Seen

4. At first, Jonathan can not transport himself more than a ________ width at a time.
(a) Stone's
(b) Feather's
(c) Step's
(d) Finger's

5. Jonathan tells Fletcher not to be harsh towards gulls that only ________ themselves.
(a) Want to be
(b) Pretend to be
(c) Ignore
(d) Hurt

6. The Elder Gulls says that ________ is not a place or a time but means being perfect.
(a) Hell
(b) Life
(c) Flying
(d) Heaven

7. Jonathan's voice tells Fletcher he must _____ them in order they may understand.
(a) Surprise
(b) Teach
(c) Forgive
(d) Forget

8. Jonathan is sure he will see Sullivan again in the ______ and ________.
(a) Skies, Earth
(b) Heaven, Earth
(c) Clouds, Sands
(d) Here, Now

9. What does Jonathan say when Sullivan says he will miss him? "Friendship transcends space and _______."
(a) Presence
(b) Distance
(c) Flight
(d) Time

10. What memories are fading for Jonathan as he spends more time in this new land?
(a) Earth
(b) His family
(c) Other gulls
(d) His pain

11. What does Jonathan feel he was born to do?
(a) Become an expert flyer
(b) Love others
(c) Travel the world
(d) Instruct other gulls

12. If you learn nothing, Jonathan finds out, the next world is ________.
(a) Death
(b) Boring
(c) Unchanged
(d) Harder

13. Is Jonathan disappointed that he didn't reach his goal?
(a) Sort of
(b) No
(c) Yes, but he reaches it the second time
(d) Yes

14. What is Jonathan's instructor's name?
(a) Stephen
(b) Stanley
(c) Surinder
(d) Sullivan

15. What is the actual speed that Jonathan reaches when he is trying to reach his new goal?
(a) 273mph
(b) 255mph
(c) 200mph
(d) 243mph

Short Answer Questions

1. Jonathan now has new wings of polished _________.

2. How many more lives do these other gulls need in order to learn about perfection?

3. Jonathan asks the Elder Gull whether this world is not _____ after all and what happens next.

4. What does Fletcher do when he hears the strange voice in his head?

5. Sullivan declares Jonathan has less fear of _____ than any gull in 10,000 years.

(see the answer keys)

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