John Adams Test | Final Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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John Adams Test | Final Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the state of Nabby's marriage?
(a) Content
(b) Troubled
(c) Very happy
(d) Separated

2. Who designed the layout for the new federal capital?
(a) Thomas Jefferson
(b) Frank Lloyd Wright
(c) William Smith
(d) Henry Gates

3. How did Adams perceive the Vice Presidency?
(a) A great honor
(b) A do-nothing job
(c) A monument to service
(d) A civilized way to pass time

4. What does Dr. Rush call Adams and Jefferson?
(a) America's finest
(b) The salt of the earth
(c) The North and South Poles of the American Revolution
(d) Two old fools

5. With whom does Adams begin a pleasant correspondence through letters?
(a) Martha Washington
(b) Dr. Benjamin Rush
(c) John Jay
(d) Nabby Adams Smith

6. Who becomes a threat to U.S. shipping and trade?
(a) French navy
(b) Somali pirates
(c) British port authority
(d) Barbary pirates

7. What controversial nomination did Adams make as minister plenipotentiary to the French Republic in the matter of negotiating a new treaty?
(a) John Jay
(b) William Vans Murray
(c) Charles Adams
(d) John Quincy Adams

8. Who does Washington name as Secretary of State?
(a) Thomas Jefferson
(b) Henry Knox
(c) Alexander Hamilton
(d) John Jay

9. In what state does Adams find Washington when he arrives?
(a) Bleak and abandoned
(b) Glittering in the sun
(c) A mosquito-infested swamp
(d) Barren and dry

10. Where does John take Abigail for a five-week tour?
(a) Italy
(b) Holland
(c) Spain
(d) Ireland

11. Why does Adams say that Vice President is the only position he will accept?
(a) He is tired of public office
(b) He is a better administrator than leader
(c) Washington will surely be elected President and anything else is beneath him
(d) He does not want to be President

12. What event takes American by surprise in 1789?
(a) The French Revolution
(b) The French and Indian War
(c) The death of King George III
(d) The resignation of Thomas Jefferson

13. What U.S. institution is established in 1800?
(a) The Smithsonian Institution
(b) The Liberty Bell
(c) The Capitol building
(d) The Library of Congress

14. What did Abigail say she felt like when setting out to join John in Philadelphia?
(a) A dutiful wife
(b) The prodigal son
(c) Noah's dove returning to the ark
(d) The good samaritan

15. What happens when John and Abigail lose their life savings in imprudent investments?
(a) They buy a smaller farm
(b) They move to town
(c) John Quincy buys Stoneyfield for them
(d) They move in with John Quincy

Short Answer Questions

1. After learning of his son, Charles', indiscriminate behavior, what does Adams do?

2. What prevented Adams from attending his mother's funeral?

3. What did many people do at Washington's departure?

4. Who does Nabby marry in 1786?

5. To where is the nation's capital moved in 1800?

(see the answer keys)

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