Jim Bridger, Mountain Man; a Biography Test | Final Test - Medium

Stanley Vestal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jim Bridger, Mountain Man; a Biography Test | Final Test - Medium

Stanley Vestal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was located in the corner of Mrs. Bridger's room?
(a) A rocking chair.
(b) A drying rack.
(c) A baby bed.
(d) A churn.

2. General Connor ordered his men to kill any male over the age of what?
(a) 16.
(b) 21.
(c) 10.
(d) 12.

3. Who was Jim Bridger's friend that he persuaded to come out to Fort Bridger and be partners with him?
(a) Louis Vasquez.
(b) Kit Carson.
(c) Tom Fitzpatrick.
(d) Gerald Lund.

4. What would gnaw on the saddles and harnesses that the greenhorns left out at night?
(a) Coyotes.
(b) The horses.
(c) Wolves.
(d) The Mountain Men dogs.

5. Bridger was interviewed by a newspaper editor, but the editors friend told him not to take any stock in what?
(a) Greenhorn stories.
(b) Mountain legends.
(c) Trapper's tales.
(d) Indian folklore.

Short Answer Questions

1. As a result of the tragedy of murder and Jim Bridger's daughter being taken away, it was clear that the mountains were no place for what?

2. Jim Bridger once told a group of eager treasure hunters that on the top of a mountain they could find a great big what?

3. In Chapter 14, Jim Bridger is described as being as slick as what?

4. The Indians and Mountain men always hunted for what two reasons?

5. What was the name of Joseph Meek's daughter?

Short Essay Questions

1. What were some of the mistakes that tourists made that stopped by Fort Bridger?

2. When the snow was gone and Bridger got ready to set out with Sir George Gore on the trail to Yellowstone, what did they bring with them?

3. What did Jim Bridger know the first duty of a chief or an officer was?

4. How did Jim Bridger excel at trailing?

5. Describe Fort Laramie.

6. What idea did Bridger develop when he experienced a number of emigrants coming to Fort Laramie?

7. In 1846, which party stopped by Fort Bridger and why?

8. When Bridger built Fort Bridger, he built four log cabins within the stockade. What were these four cabins for?

9. Which tribes came to the treaty grounds of Fort Laramie, and who were some of the well known Indians that attended?

10. How did Shotwell describe Jim Bridger in Chapter 24?

(see the answer keys)

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