Jim Bridger, Mountain Man; a Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stanley Vestal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jim Bridger, Mountain Man; a Biography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Stanley Vestal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was made the subject in painter, John Mix Stanley's painting named, "The Trapper's Last Shot"?
(a) Tom Fitzpatrick.
(b) Kit Carson.
(c) Joseph Meek.
(d) Jim Bridger.

2. A man lucky enough to kill a grizzly proudly wore its claws as what?
(a) A necklace.
(b) A hair piece.
(c) A belt.
(d) A saddle decoration.

3. When the Blackfeet attacked the Americans in Chapter 6, how many horses did they take?
(a) 40.
(b) 25.
(c) 35.
(d) 20.

4. Who saved Kit Carson from being attacked by the Indians?
(a) White.
(b) Montero.
(c) Bridger.
(d) Fitzpatrick.

5. What was Meek's answer when the Crow chief asked him how many men Bridger had?
(a) Fifty.
(b) Twenty.
(c) Forty.
(d) One hundred.

6. How many miles away from Fort Kiowa was Hugh Glass when he came to on the Grand River?
(a) 100.
(b) 125.
(c) 150.
(d) 200.

7. What tribe was named, "Big Bellies"?
(a) The Blackfeet.
(b) The Atsena.
(c) The Crow.
(d) The Sioux.

8. What was another name for goats mentioned in Chapter 3?
(a) Antelope.
(b) Gullots.
(c) Sheep.
(d) Rams.

9. Jim carried a small horn vial on his belt filled with what?
(a) Castor.
(b) Rum.
(c) Gun powder.
(d) Water.

10. How many Crow squaws guarded Joseph Meek?
(a) Three.
(b) Five.
(c) Two.
(d) Four.

11. In Chapter 8, who told Bridger not to be afraid because they knew the Indians and that they were his wife's relatives?
(a) Fitzpatrick.
(b) Loretto.
(c) Vanderburgh.
(d) Sublette.

12. What kind of work did the Crow Indians make Joseph Meek do for them?
(a) Sing.
(b) Cook.
(c) Wash the horses.
(d) Hunt.

13. Some of the older trappers had advantages over Jim. Who was a better businessman than Jim?
(a) Major Henry.
(b) Hugh Glass.
(c) Kit Carson.
(d) Bill Sublette.

14. What would happen if a greenhorn set up drinks for all the old-timers?
(a) They would be shaved bald.
(b) They would have to clean up everyone's campsite.
(c) They would have to sing lullabies to the coyotes at night.
(d) They would have to sleep outside with no cover in the rain.

15. In the same year that Jim Bridger was born, Lewis and Clark set out up what river?
(a) Missouri River.
(b) Mississippi River.
(c) Red River.
(d) Yellowstone River.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Washington Irving wrote about Sublette's brigade, he mentioned that there were what perched on top of some of the packs?

2. In what year was the trappers rendezvous to be held in Pierre's Hole?

3. How many cubs did the she-bear have that Glass came across?

4. What trapper rule concerning guns was similar to the rule of the Indian camps?

5. What did Jim Bridger love better than people?

(see the answer keys)

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