Jim Bridger, Mountain Man; a Biography Character Descriptions

Stanley Vestal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jim Bridger, Mountain Man; a Biography Character Descriptions

Stanley Vestal
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Jim Bridger, Old Gabe, Big Throat

This person served as an adviser and guide to many and had a strong love of the land and wilderness.

Thomas Fitzpatrick, Tom, White Head

This individual was nearly killed going off alone to look a supply wagon train.

Brigham Young, Leader of the Mormons

This person was jealous of a good relationship with the Indians and accused others of inciting attacks.

Joe Meek

This person was saved when captured by the Crow Indians.

Milton Sublette

This individual became a partner in a fur trapping company in 1834.

Major Andrew Henry

This person led the first trapping expedition that we read about in the book up the Missouri River.

Col. William Ashley

This person established the Rocky Mountain Fur Company.

Hugh Glass

This individual was attacked by a bear and then abandoned.

Captain William Sublette

This person brought supplies to the Pierre's Hole...

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