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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How does Barabas conduct his business?
2. Why does Barabas think the Jews were ordered to meet at the senate house?
3. What do the duelists' parents find?
4. What does Barabas say as he is ruining what Ithamore brings out?
5. When Abigail decides to remove herself permanently from her father's household, what does she leave for her father?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why doesn't Abigail tell the friar the complete reason she wants to convert?
2. What was the letter delivered to Ithamore?
3. How do you think Ithamore feels about delivering poisoned porridge to the nuns?
4. What is Abigail's reaction to her betrothal to Lodowick?
5. Do you believe Barabas would really rather die than be poor?
6. Why do you think Barabas watches the duel?
7. After the Turks have conquered Malta, why would Ferneze think they could be defeated this time?
8. After conquering Malta, what message does Calymath receive?
9. Why are Ferneze, some knights, and Del Bosco all meeting together as a united front?
10. How does Barabas enlist his daughter Abigail to help retrieve his hidden gold?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Ferenze demands half the money of all the Jews and their conversion to Catholicism. Explain the reasons Ferneze made this demand of the Jews in particular and the reasons the Jews comply.
Essay Topic 2
Intricate planning has been a theme in this play. Choose three plans from any scene (only one of Barabas's plans) and tell how they were necessary to advance the story. Consider these points when writing:
1. The roles of the characters involved.
2. The previous action that invoked the plan.
3. How the plan's outcome advanced the story.
Essay Topic 3
Barabas states he would rather be dead than poor. What words or actions of Barabas support his statement?
This section contains 696 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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