Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Who do most scholars think is the woman of Bethany?
2. Complete the following sentence: "for the faith that was there before, despite, or even because of..."
3. What two things do the quotes at the beginning of Part Seven contemplate?
4. What is the first idea that the author challenges about Jesus in this section?
5. What is the title of Part Six?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does the author say about Pontius Pilate?
2. In what way does the author think Jesus challenged society by touching the leper?
3. How influential does the author think other philosophies were on Jesus' teachings?
4. What does the quote at the beginning of part five comment on?
5. How does the author interpret the story of Jesus casting demons into a herd of pigs?
6. What does the author say about Barabbas in this section?
7. Why does the author think crucifixion was the ultimate form of punishment?
8. What does the author say was the intention of the resurrection stories?
9. Describe the quotes at the beginning of this section?
10. What does the quote at the beginning of part six comment on?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
How does the author think the gospels used the Old Testament and its prophecies for the New Testament? What are the arguments for and against the gospels mining the Old Testament for information?
Essay Topic 2
Examine the books reception in three different countries including the country the book was written. How do their opinions about the books differ? Was the book more influential in one country than another? If so, why?
Essay Topic 3
How does the author claim the bible's depiction of Jesus' crucifixion is historically inaccurate? What does the author think are the reasons for these inaccuracies?
This section contains 740 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |