Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Where does Jury spend a day with his cousin after he meets Helen?
2. Who was Helen supposedly doing research on, according to Father Rourke?
3. Where was Parmenger educated?
4. What does Jury invite Helen to do shortly after they first meet?
5. What is Melrose's last name?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why does Melrose think he was invited to travel with Vivian?
2. How does Racer interact with Cyril?
3. What does Jury think of his cousin's husband?
4. How does Melrose respond to Lady Agatha's comment that he is an "unconfirmed bachelor"?
5. What does Cullen say in his phone call to Jury at the end of Chapter 9?
6. What important information does Maureen give Jury about her time in school?
7. What does Jury think of Mrs. Wasserman?
8. Why does Jury say to Helen about his difficulties dating?
9. What does Addie tell Jury the first time they meet at Bonaventure School?
10. What keen observation of Helen does Jury make when they first meet?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Write a well-reasoned argument discussing whether or not Jury is a good role model for teenage/young adult readers.
Essay Topic 2
Analyze at least three aspects of "Jerusalem Inn" that makes the novel believable as well as what literary devices Grimes uses to create that level of believability OR analyze at least three aspects of "Jerusalem Inn" that makes the novel unbelievable as well as what literary devices Grimes does not use effectively to create a level of believability in the story.
Essay Topic 3
Analyze at least three literary techniques Grimes uses to make one character of your choosing from the "Jerusalem Inn" very likable OR very unlikable to the reader.
This section contains 607 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |