Jerusalem Inn Test | Final Test - Easy

Martha Grimes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jerusalem Inn Test | Final Test - Easy

Martha Grimes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does William McQuade do for a living?
(a) He is a plumber.
(b) He is a painter.
(c) He is a famous actor.
(d) He is a writer.

2. How do Tommy and Melrose decide to get to the Jerusalem Inn?
(a) By walking.
(b) By ski or snowshoe.
(c) By snowmobile.
(d) By stealing a car.

3. Why does Jury want to go to the Jerusalem Inn the morning after Beatrice's murder?
(a) He wants a drink.
(b) He doesn't trust the food at the mansion.
(c) He has heard they make a great breakfast.
(d) He wants to talk to Robbie.

4. Who promises to come get Melrose, Vivian, Agatha, and Ruthven when they are stranded at the Jerusalem Inn during a storm?
(a) Jury.
(b) Mrs. Seaingham.
(c) Charles Seaingham.
(d) The local police.

5. Who is horrified at the thought of Melrose, Vivian, Agatha, and Ruthven getting a room at the Jerusalem Inn when it appears they are stranded from the storm?
(a) Agatha.
(b) Ruthven.
(c) Melrose.
(d) Vivian.

6. What does Tommy think of his guardian?
(a) That she is fantastic in every way possible.
(b) That she is a dumb as a post.
(c) That she is very strict.
(d) That she is very kind and loving but also can be mean sometimes.

7. Who was Helen very interested in when she came to talk to Miss Dunsany?
(a) A former teacher of Miss Dunsany.
(b) Miss Dunsany's mother.
(c) Miss Dunsany herself.
(d) A former maid employed in the Dunsany household.

8. What kind of storm interferes with several characters' plans to get to Charles Seaingham's home?
(a) A blizzard.
(b) A dust storm.
(c) A heavy hailstorm.
(d) A blinding rain.

9. What is Spinney Abbey?
(a) Nothing; this is a trick question.
(b) The name of the town where Grace Seaingham is from.
(c) The name of the city where Charles Seaingham lives.
(d) The Seaingham mansion.

10. What has apparently happened to Tommy's parents?
(a) They were murdered.
(b) They abandoned the baby on the Seaingham doorstep.
(c) They died.
(d) They abandoned the baby on Beatrice's doorstep.

11. What is St. Leger so concerned about that happened the night before Beatrice's murder?
(a) That she got into a fight with Beatrice.
(b) That someone tried to poison her own drink.
(c) That she heard people yelling but didn't investigate to see who or why.
(d) That Tom was out on skis so late at night.

12. For how long does Charles predict his guests will be snowed in at his home?
(a) Three days.
(b) One week.
(c) Five days.
(d) Two weeks.

13. Who has invited Frederick to Spinney Abbey?
(a) Grace Seaingham.
(b) Charles Seaingham.
(c) Lady St. Leger.
(d) Melorse.

14. Whom does Wiggins talk to again to learn more about Helen?
(a) Abbie.
(b) Maureen.
(c) Melrose.
(d) Nellie.

15. After Beatrice's murder and the questioning that follows, what time is the group finally allowed back to bed?
(a) Two in the morning.
(b) Noon.
(c) Eleven in the morning.
(d) Five in the morning.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Jury and Wiggins meet up after Beatrice's murder?

2. Who is Sir George Assington?

3. After Beatrice's body is found, whom does Jury request go with him to the study?

4. What weapon does Jury decide Beatrice is killed with?

5. What does Melrose think of Beatrice?

(see the answer keys)

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