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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part VI, End Game, and Part VII, Jerusalem Inn.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What reason is there for objecting to Jury coming to dinner in Chapter 26?
(a) Jury keeps hitting on the married women.
(b) Jury bores them.
(c) Jury tells graphic stories about his cases.
(d) The group has had enough of the police presence.
2. What is Melrose's last name?
(a) Plant.
(b) Plank.
(c) Planet.
(d) Plans.
3. Who thinks Grace was the intended target (instead of Beatrice)?
(a) Jury.
(b) Melrose.
(c) George.
(d) Cullen.
4. Who adopted Helen's child?
(a) Danielle and Robin Lyte.
(b) Jury.
(c) Melrose.
(d) Charles and Grace Seaingham.
5. How do Tommy and Melrose decide to get to the Jerusalem Inn?
(a) By walking.
(b) By stealing a car.
(c) By snowmobile.
(d) By ski or snowshoe.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Jury think about Cyril?
2. Who compliments Tom on his snooker playing in Chapter 27?
3. What does Jury admit to Helen when the first meet?
4. What does someone believe is the only vehicle that can rescue Melrose, Vivian, Agatha, and Ruthven when they are stranded at the Jerusalem Inn?
5. Who admits to having knowledge of poisons?
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