Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Seppings find the necklace?
(a) In Bertie's car.
(b) In Jeeves' pocket.
(c) In Jeeves' room.
(d) In Bertie's suitcase.

2. What does Spode believe happened to him in Chapter 18?
(a) He fainted from the heat.
(b) He was drugged.
(c) He had vertigo.
(d) He was knocked on the head.

3. What is Florence's mood like in Chapter 22?
(a) Florence is angry.
(b) Florence is giddy.
(c) Florence is content.
(d) Florence is distraught.

4. How does Bertie refer to Jeeves in Chapter 19?
(a) As fancy.
(b) As feudal.
(c) As fussy.
(d) As fortunate.

5. Who interrupts the chase between Bertie and Stilton in Chapter 17?
(a) Dahlia.
(b) Jeeves.
(c) Florence.
(d) Seppings.

6. What is Lord Sidcup's real name?
(a) Augustus Beckford.
(b) Buck MacGinnis.
(c) Willoughby Braddock.
(d) Roderick Spode.

7. What item did Dahlia pawn?
(a) A diamond bracelet.
(b) A pearl necklace.
(c) A gold watch.
(d) A silver tea set.

8. What did Jeeves believe of the necklace when he found it?
(a) That it belonged to one of the maids.
(b) That it belonged to Florence.
(c) That Bertie had lost it before delivering it to his aunt.
(d) That it was dropped by a robber.

9. What does Bertie ask Florence use to lower him out of the window?
(a) A garden hose.
(b) Her sheets.
(c) Her dressing gown.
(d) A rope.

10. What does Jeeves suggest they do to solve Dahlia's problem?
(a) Confess the truth.
(b) Borrow some money from Percy.
(c) Stage a robbery.
(d) Blackmail Mr. Trotter.

11. Why is Dahlia happy when she appears at the end of Chapter 22?
(a) She fired her cook.
(b) Tom has been offered a knighthood.
(c) She sold her newspaper.
(d) She retrieved her lost necklace.

12. What does Percy say his mother gave him her necklace for?
(a) To have it appraised.
(b) To pawn it.
(c) To have it cleaned.
(d) To have it put in her safety deposit box.

13. What has Stilton sold Percy?
(a) A draft of Florence's book.
(b) A pearl necklace.
(c) A pair of tennis shoes.
(d) Bertie's ticket for the darts competition.

14. Why did Dahlia pawn one of her possessions?
(a) To pay for Morehead's serial.
(b) To pay her cook's salary.
(c) To invest in Percy's play.
(d) To pay off gambling debts.

15. In regards to Bertie, what does Florence admit she likes the idea of doing?
(a) Dedicating a book to him.
(b) Cooking for him.
(c) Molding him.
(d) Marrying him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Aunt Agatha's son?

2. What excuse does Bertie give Florence for climbing into her room?

3. What does Stilton claim he has brought for Florence?

4. What does Dahlia do in Chapter 21, which Bertie says "must have taken a bit of doing"?

5. When Bertie climbs into one of the bedrooms, what does he bump into?

(see the answer keys)

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