Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Bertie ask Percy for in Chapter 22?
(a) A ride back to London.
(b) His autograph.
(c) An invitation to his birthday party.
(d) A ticket to his play.

2. What does Mrs. Trotter ask Dahlia to give her if she wants the newspaper sale to go through.
(a) Her painting by John Constable.
(b) Her pearl necklace.
(c) An investment for Percy's play.
(d) Her chef, Anatole.

3. Where does Stilton chase Bertie in Chapter 17?
(a) In the garden.
(b) Up and down the stairs.
(c) Around the couch.
(d) Around the dining table.

4. How does Florence suggest Bertie escape from Stilton?
(a) By climbing into the attic.
(b) By going down the laundry chute.
(c) By jumping out the window.
(d) By climbing onto the roof.

5. What item did Dahlia pawn?
(a) A pearl necklace.
(b) A gold watch.
(c) A silver tea set.
(d) A diamond bracelet.

6. What does Bertie note the Wooster Code would not allow him to do in Chapter 21?
(a) To let Jeeves take the blame for taking the necklace.
(b) To let Dahlia continue to lie.
(c) To accept a knighthood.
(d) To let the Trotters speak ill of his aunt and uncle.

7. Why is Percy wealthy?
(a) He bets on horses.
(b) He writes plays.
(c) He sells women's underwear.
(d) He writes mystery novels.

8. How does Stilton act toward Bertie at breakfast in Chapter 20?
(a) Cautiously.
(b) With concern.
(c) Aggressively.
(d) Cordial.

9. What does Bertie decide to change about his appearance in Chapter 22?
(a) Bertie decides to part his hair down the middle.
(b) Bertie decides to grow a beard.
(c) Bertie decides to shave his moustache.
(d) Bertie decides to stop wearing tennis shoes.

10. Why is Dahlia distraught in Chapter 16?
(a) Her misdeed has been discovered by her husband.
(b) Mr.Trotter is ill.
(c) She has not been able to blackmail Spode.
(d) She found out Bertie refuses to marry Florence.

11. After finding Bertie in her room, what does Florence accuse him of?
(a) Sneaking in to steal her jewelry.
(b) Sneaking in to start a fire.
(c) Sneaking in to attack Stilton.
(d) Sneaking in to steal a kiss.

12. What did Jeeves believe of the necklace when he found it?
(a) That Bertie had lost it before delivering it to his aunt.
(b) That it belonged to Florence.
(c) That it belonged to one of the maids.
(d) That it was dropped by a robber.

13. What has Stilton sold Percy?
(a) A pearl necklace.
(b) A draft of Florence's book.
(c) Bertie's ticket for the darts competition.
(d) A pair of tennis shoes.

14. Where do Stilton and Morehead plan to take a trip?
(a) To Liverpool.
(b) To the nearby village.
(c) Down the river.
(d) To Paris.

15. How is Daphne Dolores Morehead described?
(a) As assertive.
(b) As cherubic.
(c) As beautiful.
(d) As stern-looking.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who wishes to speak to Dahlia in Chapter 16?

2. Where does Jeeves say he found the necklace?

3. When Bertie climbs into one of the bedrooms, what does he bump into?

4. Who does Mrs. Trotter rise to call in Chapter 21?

5. What does Dahlia do in Chapter 21, which Bertie says "must have taken a bit of doing"?

(see the answer keys)

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