Jason's Gold Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jason's Gold Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Charlie and Jason plan to do about the holiday coming up?
(a) They plan to celebrate it.
(b) They will ignore it.
(c) They will look for anyone who needs their help.
(d) They will eat an extra ration.

2. What does Jason pick to eat to prevent scurvy?
(a) Potatoes.
(b) Rose hips and fruit.
(c) Mountain laurel.
(d) Mushrooms.

3. What does Jack tell Jason he wants to be?
(a) A publisher.
(b) An editor.
(c) A writer.
(d) A journalist.

4. How many bears come out of the den?
(a) Three.
(b) Two.
(c) One.
(d) Four.

5. How does the crowd feel when the person in question #113 makes it through the rapids?
(a) Angry.
(b) Jealous.
(c) Curious.
(d) Awed.

6. What does Jason decide about when to pull over and rest?
(a) He decides to paddle through the night.
(b) He stops at dinner time.
(c) He stops at midnight.
(d) He stops at dusk.

7. What does Jason decide to do about finding a bear?
(a) Set out a trap.
(b) Go up into the mountains.
(c) Try to find something less dangerous.
(d) Cross the river.

8. What happens at a narrow part of the river?
(a) Fish are caught along the shore.
(b) Fifteen boats tip over.
(c) Jason and Charlie get caught on a snag.
(d) There is a bottleneck of boats.

9. What happens to Jason's dog while they are fighting bear?
(a) He is killed.
(b) He is not with Jason.
(c) He runs away.
(d) He is injured.

10. What is in the tent Jason found?
(a) One dead men and a lot of food.
(b) Nothing.
(c) A dead dog.
(d) Two men frozen solid.

11. What are many of the Klondikers doing with the caribou?
(a) Watching them play in the water.
(b) Scaring them away.
(c) Shooting them for meat.
(d) Stealing the babies.

12. What do Charlie and Jason do when they leave the cabin?
(a) Get on the river.
(b) Hook up with a mule train.
(c) Walk south towards Skagway.
(d) Hitch a ride on a large barge.

13. How long does Jason first search for a bear in Chapter 23?
(a) A week.
(b) Two days.
(c) An entire day.
(d) Hours.

14. How does the reunion between Jason and his brothers go?
(a) It is quiet.
(b) It is tense.
(c) It is joyous.
(d) They get into an argument.

15. What stuns Abe and Ethan about Jason?
(a) That he came there.
(b) That he has Charlie with them.
(c) How much he has grown and endured.
(d) That he found so much gold.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the part of the Yukon that splits into five channels called?

2. What does Jason consider Lake Bennett to be in Chapter 14?

3. What sign does Charlie point out to Jason?

4. What does the man who helps Jason with his caribou say about the Mounties and August?

5. What breaks twice as Jason and Charlie are watching the river?

(see the answer keys)

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