Jasmine Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jasmine Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Taylor and Wylie's daughter?
(a) Lettie.
(b) Karin.
(c) Duff.
(d) Vilma.

2. According to Jasmine, in regards to life, who has "practiced without a net"?
(a) Darrel.
(b) Du.
(c) Harlan.
(d) Bud.

3. Whom does Du introduce to Jasmine that speaks Vietnamese?
(a) Mr. Skola.
(b) Orrin.
(c) Scott.
(d) John.

4. Where is Jasmine headed?
(a) Tahiti.
(b) New York.
(c) Nebraska.
(d) California.

5. Surprisingly, who loves Jasmine?
(a) Taylor.
(b) Duff.
(c) Professorji.
(d) Wylie.

6. Who injured his head when he fell in the bathroom?
(a) Mr. Jagtiani.
(b) Nirmala's father-in-law.
(c) Professorji.
(d) Half-Face.

7. After Darrel's death who sold his family's farm?
(a) The bank.
(b) Bud.
(c) Mrs. Lutz.
(d) Orrin.

8. After Du leaves for the airport whom does Jasmine call to help Darrel?
(a) Scott.
(b) Karin.
(c) Orrin.
(d) Bud.

9. How much money did Jasmine pay back?
(a) $3,000.00.
(b) $1,000.00.
(c) $2,000.00.
(d) $5,000.00.

10. Where did Jasmine have lunch with a past life believer?
(a) Her home.
(b) The University Club.
(c) The employee cafeteria.
(d) The park.

11. Who cooks dinner for Jasmine and details plans for a new life with her?
(a) Du.
(b) Mother Ripplemeyer.
(c) Karin.
(d) Darrel.

12. Who told Jasmine that Lillian's daughter's sold her house?
(a) Duff.
(b) Kate.
(c) Nirmala.
(d) Lettie.

13. Whom does Jasmine call after a man arrives in a car and announces that he needs to share some important news with the entire family?
(a) Darrel.
(b) Karin.
(c) Bud.
(d) Kate.

14. According to Du, Dad handles money and Jasmine handles what?
(a) Du.
(b) Mother Ripplemeyer.
(c) Dad.
(d) Karin.

15. What does the Professorji really do for a living?
(a) Cooks in a hotel.
(b) Forges documents.
(c) Sells human hair.
(d) Drives a taxi.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Taylor work?

2. What is Jasmine's weekly pay as an au pair?

3. What was Wylie teaching Jasmine?

4. Who got Jasmine the job at the bank?

5. Who was the brightest boy in the camps?

(see the answer keys)

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