Jane Eyre Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jane Eyre Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Jane, what is one reason the intimacy she shares with Diana and Mary does not extend to St. John?
(a) Because he is seldom generous.
(b) Because he is seldom kind.
(c) Because he is seldom at home.
(d) Because he is seldom understood.

2. Where is Mr. Rochester living following the fire at Thornfield?
(a) Ferndean.
(b) Flannigan.
(c) Finnegan.
(d) Forestan.

3. What skill does Jane possess that surprises and charms Diana and Mary?
(a) Sewing.
(b) Drawing.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Singing.

4. When St. John asks Jane to accompany him to India, to what condition she does not want to agree?
(a) To be his teacher.
(b) To be his mistress.
(c) To be his wife.
(d) To be his pupil.

5. According to Mr. Rochester, he tells Jane that it has been ten years since he has flown from Europe with what three things as his companion?
(a) Gratitude, forgiveness, and faith.
(b) Sorrow, blame, and despair.
(c) Happiness, peace, and relief.
(d) Disgust, hate, and rage.

6. Jane comes across a little girl and asks her for what item that she is about to throw to the pigs?
(a) Cake.
(b) Fruit.
(c) Meat.
(d) Porridge.

7. The elderly woman and two ladies Jane sees through the latticed window are speaking what language?
(a) Italian.
(b) Spanish.
(c) German.
(d) French.

8. When Jane recalls asking to trade her handkerchief and glove for a cake and is refused, she states that she _________none of those who________me.
(a) Blamed; repulsed.
(b) Forgave; scorned.
(c) Scorned; helped.
(d) Forgave; repulsed.

9. How does Jane describe Miss Rosamond Oliver, the heiress who greets her and St. John?
(a) Plain.
(b) Unattractive.
(c) Strange.
(d) Beautiful.

10. What observation does Jane overhear Mary and Diana make about her accent and dress that is true?
(a) That she is illiterate.
(b) That she is not uneducated.
(c) That she is foreign.
(d) That she is French.

11. When Mr. Rochester asks Jane if she will ever forgive him, what does she tell the reader?
(a) That she would never forgive him.
(b) That she must pray for forgiveness.
(c) That she forgave him on the spot.
(d) That she will soon forgive him.

12. What does Jane buy for Moor House to prepare for Diana and Mary's arrival?
(a) Carpets, plants, drapes.
(b) Plants, clothing, furniture.
(c) Furniture, carpets, drapes.
(d) Clothing, furniture, drapes.

13. After Mr. Rochester discovers the truth about Bertha's insanity in the West Indies, what does he tell Jane he momentarily thought he should do?
(a) Kill her and himself.
(b) Kill himself.
(c) Kill his father.
(d) Kill her.

14. Jane tells Mr. Rochester the face of the person in the closet reminded her of what?
(a) A Siren.
(b) A Ghost.
(c) A Werewolf.
(d) A Vampire.

15. Who is the missing girl in the advertisements about which St. John informs Jane?
(a) Diana.
(b) Jane.
(c) Rosamond.
(d) Adele.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of St. John's Pointer?

2. The night before they are to be married, Jane tells Mr. Rochester that earlier that morning she had seen whom in her closet where her wedding gown and veil are hung?

3. Why does Jane think, on the afternoon following the discovery of Bertha Mason, that "friends always forget those whom fortune forsakes"?

4. On the day before Jane and Mr. Rochester are to leave to be married, what is written on the labels that Jane cannot bring herself to affix to her trunks?

5. As Jane prays for guidance about whether she should go with St. John, what does the voice she hears say?

(see the answer keys)

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