Jane Austen's Letters Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Jane Austen's Letters Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Letters 31-40 dated January 14th, 1801 to January 21st, 1805.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. She refers to her work, "First Impressions", which would later become what novel?
(a) "Pride and Prejudice."
(b) "Mansfield Park."
(c) "Sense and Sensibility."
(d) "Persuasion."

2. Mr. Austen offers his ____________ to James Digweed but is refused.
(a) Carpentry shop.
(b) Blacksmith shop.
(c) Curacy.
(d) Business.

3. Jane Austen writes to her sister, Cassandra, and recounts what?
(a) The previous night's symphony performance.
(b) Her trip to London.
(c) Her recent illness.
(d) The previous night's ball.

4. Jane discusses the plans for moving ____________ with Cassandra and tells her that their aunt is happy about the Austens' moving.
(a) To Berkhamsted.
(b) To Beckenham.
(c) To Barnsley.
(d) To Bath.

5. Jane generously allows Mary all of her former admirers for what reason?
(a) She is getting married.
(b) She does not like admirers.
(c) She means to confine herself exclusively to Tom Lefroy.
(d) She knows that Mary does not have any admirers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Cassandra has a pleasant journey to Godmersham, but Jane worries. Why?

2. She asks Cassandra's advice about what fashion?

3. Jane is pleased with Miss Fletcher for drinking her tea without ______________ and for her admiration of "Camilla".

4. Jane is very busy making shirts for Edward, and she claims she is the ___________ worker.

5. Jane is pleased to tell Cassandra what about their mother?

(see the answer key)

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