Jane Austen's Letters Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Jane Austen's Letters Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Letters 21-30 dated June 11th, 1799 to January 1st, 1801.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why has Jane been practicing her music instead of writing?
(a) She is tired of writing.
(b) She has been asked to play the piano forte at the next ball.
(c) She has a complaint in her eye which makes reading and writing difficult
(d) She has just received a new piano forte.

2. Jane is pleased to tell Cassandra what about their mother?
(a) She has written a book.
(b) She has come for a visit.
(c) She has had another child.
(d) She has not had a relapse and is doing much better.

3. Jane has subscribed to whose library of novels and other literature?
(a) Mrs. Martin's.
(b) Mrs. Marcus'.
(c) Mrs. Matthew's.
(d) Mrs. Martinelli's.

4. Jane laments losing what of her mother's?
(a) Stockings.
(b) Handkerchief.
(c) Pearls.
(d) Gloves.

5. Jane informs her sister that Edward and Frank have left to do what?
(a) Join the military.
(b) Find jobs.
(c) Go to university.
(d) Seek their fortunes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Jane is very busy making shirts for Edward, and she claims she is the ___________ worker.

2. Jane gossips to her sister that Earle Harwood accidentally did what and is in the hospital where his family visits him?

3. Jane prefers _________________ in terms of nursing her brother back to health.

4. She refers to her work, "First Impressions", which would later become what novel?

5. Jane generously allows Mary all of her former admirers for what reason?

(see the answer key)

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