Jamaica Inn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jamaica Inn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Mary finds him, where had Joss been stabbed?
(a) In the side.
(b) In the head.
(c) In the chest.
(d) In the back.

2. Where does Mary see Jem in Chapter 18?
(a) At the beach.
(b) On the moors.
(c) At Jamaica Inn.
(d) In Launceston.

3. About how long does Mary wait for Jem to return?
(a) Two hours.
(b) Ten minutes.
(c) One hour.
(d) Half and hour.

4. Where is Mary instructed to wait while the inn is searched?
(a) At a tavern.
(b) In the yard.
(c) In the stable.
(d) In a carriage.

5. Who arrives shortly after Mary finds Joss dead?
(a) Mr. Davey.
(b) A neighbor.
(c) Jem.
(d) The squire.

6. What is the weather like as Mary is walking?
(a) Rainy.
(b) Stifling.
(c) Snowy.
(d) Clear.

7. Why does Mary feel the need to quickly return home in Chapter 14?
(a) To clear her name.
(b) To stop Joss from murdering again.
(c) To collect her things.
(d) To see her aunt.

8. Who arrives at the end of Chapter 15?
(a) Mrs. Bessat.
(b) Mr. Davey.
(c) The vicar's housekeeper.
(d) Jem.

9. What is clear to Mary about the men she is riding with in Chapter 11?
(a) They want to impress her.
(b) They want to kill her.
(c) They want to take advantage of her.
(d) They want to protect her.

10. What does Mary tell Joss about the carriage?
(a) She got it from Mr. Davey.
(b) She got it from squire Besset.
(c) She got it from a mysterious stranger.
(d) She hired it.

11. What does Mr. Davey say will stop Joss from causing ships to wreck?
(a) Nothing.
(b) The threat of divine judgement.
(c) Finding employment.
(d) Coastal guards.

12. Why doesn't Mary let Jem into the Inn?
(a) She is afraid of Joss.
(b) She doesn't trust Jem since he abandoned her.
(c) She knows Patience wouldn't want her to.
(d) She is locked in her room.

13. When Mary awakes in Chapter 12, how long has she been asleep?
(a) Two days.
(b) Five hours.
(c) Four days.
(d) One day.

14. What alerts Mary to someone being outside in Chapter 13?
(a) A dog barks.
(b) She hears her name being called.
(c) She hears leaves rustling.
(d) Something hits her window.

15. How much does Jem get for the high-bred pony?
(a) Exactly what he expected.
(b) Half what he expected.
(c) Twice what he expected.
(d) Five times what he expected.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mr. Davey instruct Mary to do when he appears in Chapter 16?

2. What does Mary lose hope of doing in Chapter 14?

3. What is the carriage ride like for Mary after Mr. Davey leaves?

4. Who arrives to help Mary at the end of Chapter 9?

5. Why do Joss's men start to fight?

(see the answer keys)

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