Jamaica Inn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jamaica Inn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes Joss to be incoherent in Chapter 8?
(a) He comes down with a fever.
(b) He bumps his head.
(c) He has a hallucination.
(d) He goes on a drinking binge.

2. What does Mary tell the vicar in Chapter 7?
(a) Everything she knows about Jamaica Inn and Joss.
(b) That she hates living at Jamaica Inn.
(c) What her hopes and dreams are.
(d) That she thinks the moors are haunted.

3. According to the driver, what do people in the area no longer do?
(a) Have drinks at Jamaica Inn.
(b) Throw eggs at Jamaica Inn.
(c) Pray for Jamaica Inn.
(d) Have parties at Jamaica Inn.

4. What does Mary do to stay out of Patience's and Joss's way in Chapter 8?
(a) She sits on the porch.
(b) She reads in her room.
(c) She goes to the river.
(d) She takes long walks on the moors.

5. Who does Mary lie to protect in Chapter 6?
(a) Jem.
(b) Patience
(c) Herself.
(d) Joss.

6. What keeps Mary indoors in Chapter 5?
(a) Rain.
(b) Joss's orders.
(c) Cold weather.
(d) A fever.

7. In Chapter 3, what door does Mary discover is kept locked?
(a) The outer door to the bar.
(b) The cellar door.
(c) Joss's bedroom door.
(d) The pantry door.

8. How does Joss dispel the sailors haunting him in his dreams?
(a) He doesn't sleep.
(b) He carves them grave stones.
(c) He prays.
(d) He drinks.

9. What awakens Mary in Chapter 4?
(a) The smell of baking bread.
(b) Wagons in the yard.
(c) Joss shouting.
(d) Dogs barking.

10. What family has a bad reputation in the area where Jamaica Inn is located?
(a) The Merlyn family.
(b) The Mermann family.
(c) The Morlynn family.
(d) The Marlin family.

11. What unsettles Mary in Chapter 1?
(a) The driver's smell.
(b) The foreign landscape.
(c) The weather.
(d) The driver's incessant talking.

12. At what time of day does Mary go for walks in Chapter 4?
(a) In the early morning.
(b) In the evening.
(c) Just before lunch.
(d) In the afternoon.

13. What does Jem plan to do on Christmas Eve?
(a) Sit at home alone.
(b) Take some ponies to Launceston.
(c) Help out a church.
(d) Visit the cemetery.

14. What does Mary discover about the guest rooms in Chapter 3?
(a) They are opulent in decoration.
(b) They are used for storage.
(c) They are completely empty.
(d) They are full of cobwebs.

15. What does Mary's mother make her promise before the start of the novel?
(a) To finish school.
(b) To travel the world and forget about her.
(c) To sell their property and move in with her aunt.
(d) To only marry for love.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Mary have breakfast with in Chapter 3?

2. Why is Mary afraid she will have to sneak into Jamaica Inn in Chapter 7?

3. What does Squire Basset have with him when he comes to Jamaica Inn in Chapter 6?

4. In Chapter 4, what does Mary overhear a man in the bar say to Joss, after the other men have left?

5. What is Mary's aunt's name?

(see the answer keys)

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