Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Miss Marguerite begins telling the traveling young woman in Part I, Chapter 1 a story. When does the story take place?

2. What does the visitor bring Alexander Kirkpatrick's wife while visiting her in jail?

3. What does Catesby agree to on his final bet?

4. Whom does Uther Botkin's slave wish could help her with the planting, but can't because he is in jail?

5. Who is Jesse?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the prison keeper tell Sallie about Alexander during one of her visits with Cousin Molly?

2. Why is the woman at the beginning of Part I, Chapter 1, traveling the countryside?

3. What happens to Duncan's horse, Gypsy, during the battle in Chancellorsville?

4. Why does one of the surgeons, James Lane, ask that all the Union soldiers be taken to another surgeon for the rest of the evening?

5. What happens to Duncan Gatewood when the storm, Cox's Snow, hits?

6. What does Silas do to Ellam when he learns of his treatment of Maggie?

7. How does Opal help Uther Botkin with his daughter and his farm?

8. What happens at the military institute, where Duncan is present to hear a speech, which causes a fight?

9. What does Sallie pray for while working at the hospital in Part III, Chapter 30?

10. How did Uther Botkin obtain his property that he now lives on?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

"Jacob's Ladder" is historical fiction which is a story that is set in the past. "Jacob's Ladder" is set in the Civil War in Virginia, and therefore, it is considered historical fiction. Examine the different historical references throughout "Jacob's Ladder". What makes "Jacob's Ladder" historical fiction? Does the author make a point of centering his story on actual events that happened during the Civil War? Does he use real places and dates? Does it make his story more believable? How does it enhance the story?

Essay Topic 2

Many of the characters in "Jacob's Ladder" have been going through tremendous changes in their lives since the war has begun. Explore the theme of coming of age, and analyze the changes in the different characters.

Part A) What does coming of age mean?

Part B) How can a catastrophic event like the Civil War cause tremendous changes in people?

Part C) How have some of the characters ideals and goals changed? What have the characters learned about themselves and life?

Essay Topic 3

Marguerite tells many stories of several different characters throughout the story. This is a literary device that writers use called a story-within-a-story. Explore the author's use of the literary device story-within-a-story in the novel "Jacob's Ladder". Is the author using stories-within-a-story to give it a more historical feel? Or is the author using stories-within-a-story to give background about particular characters or events? How is this literary device effective in the novel "Jacob's Ladder"?

(see the answer keys)

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