Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV: Chapters Fifty-Nine through Seventy.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The work Alexander Kirkpatrick's wife does at the hospital is trying until she realizes the truth of her cousin's attitude. What does she realize?
(a) That she needs to be more compassionate and really feel for the soldiers.
(b) That the nurses can do everything they can for the wounded, but that the nurses themselves must go on living.
(c) That she must not ever cry or let herself feel for the soldiers.
(d) That she needs to realize that her life is also very fragile.

2. What happens to Duncan's horse during a battle in Chancellorsville, Virginia?
(a) Her throat is slit.
(b) She is slashed and her intestines spill out onto the ground.
(c) She is shot in the stomach several times.
(d) She stumbles and breaks her leg.

3. What does the visitor bring Alexander Kirkpatrick's wife while visiting her in jail?
(a) Milk, a brush, and some candy.
(b) A freshly baked pie.
(c) Cookies.
(d) Soap, cheese, and other minor gifts.

4. What property does Samuel Gatewood own?
(a) Stratford Plantation.
(b) Gatewood Plantation.
(c) Mumford Plantation.
(d) O'Hara Plantation.

5. What does Marguerite tell her remaining servant after the other servant leaves them on the road in Part IV, Chapter 62?
(a) That it's not worth crying over a woman like Karla.
(b) That it's not worth crying over a woman like Kizzy.
(c) That it's not worth crying over a man like Mingo.
(d) That it's not worth crying over a man like Manny.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which servant leaves Marguerite on the road after the incident with the Union soldiers?

2. After traveling to where the slaves are held, with whom does Silas's nephew have sex?

3. What are woman like Marguerite known as at the governor's party?

4. What is Jesse doing that causes most men to fall ill or to move on to another job as quickly as possible?

5. To whom is Alexander Kirkpatrick married?

(see the answer key)

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