Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jacob's Ladder: A Story of Virginia During the War Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

Donald McCaig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part IV: Chapters Fifty-Nine through Seventy.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens to Alexander after he demands to be treated as a prisoner of war while in prison?
(a) He is given no food or water.
(b) He is flogged.
(c) He is put in a dark hole.
(d) He is whipped with a chain.

2. Whom does Alexander Kirkpatrick's wife hesitate to visit but eventually goes to see in Part III, Chapter 39?
(a) Alexander.
(b) Duncan.
(c) Samuel.
(d) Jesse.

3. What does Catesby tell his wife, in a letter, that he has given up?
(a) Killing.
(b) Drinking.
(c) Gambling.
(d) Having affairs.

4. What does Marguerite demand from the bank after she notices Silas's invoices were not filed correctly?
(a) That they file Silas's invoices correctly.
(b) That they convert his assess to silver currency instead of Confederate money.
(c) That they convert his assets to gold currency instead of Confederate money or cotton pledges.
(d) That they pay her back with interest.

5. What is Jesse doing that causes most men to fall ill or to move on to another job as quickly as possible?
(a) Burning dead bodies.
(b) Cleaning out the cesspools around the hospitals.
(c) Taking the clothing off dead bodies.
(d) Burying dead bodies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of Catesby's bunkmate in Part III, Chapter 42?

2. What are most of the people at the gathering at the governor's mansion?

3. What does Alexander tell Samuel Gatewood's son he claimed so he could be assigned to his regiment?

4. What has Catesby become now that he has "renounced his previous sinful ways"?

5. Whom does Samuel Gatewood purchase from Uther Botkin?

(see the answer key)

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