Jack Maggs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jack Maggs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is said to be sleeping in the nursery with Tobias’s son after the doctor’s departure in Chapter 54?
(a) Mrs. Halfstairs.
(b) Mary Oates.
(c) Mrs. Britten.
(d) Mrs. Jones.

2. What is the treacherous whip that was used on Jack in the pits in Australia called in the novel?
(a) The dragon-tooth whip.
(b) The double-cat.
(c) The double-dog.
(d) The laser whip.

3. How long does Mary tell Elizabeth that she’s known about her condition in Chapter 86?
(a) 2 weeks.
(b) 1 week.
(c) 2 months.
(d) 1 month.

4. By what source on his land in Australia does Jack say he earned his fortune in Chapter 62?
(a) Silver.
(b) Coal.
(c) Clay.
(d) Gold.

5. Where does Tobias spend the night at a lodging house in Chapter 55?
(a) Chancery Lane.
(b) Tyburn.
(c) Fox Court.
(d) Wapping.

6. The narrator states in Chapter 91 that at “the instant Henry Phipps discharged the pistol,” who “died in her bed”?
(a) “Mary Britten.”
(b) “Mary Oates.”
(c) “Mercy Larkin.”
(d) “Lizzie Warriner.”

7. Mary tells Elizabeth that she gave her medicine in what, in Chapter 86?
(a) In her dinner.
(b) In her milk.
(c) In her afternoon cocktail.
(d) In her tea.

8. Under whose tutelage does Tobias say the Thief-taker studied Animal Magnetism in Chapter 67?
(a) M. Pierot.
(b) M. Zouiche.
(c) M. Labatte.
(d) M. Thierot.

9. What is the name of the beloved tutor that rescued Henry from the orphanage?
(a) Victor Littlehales.
(b) Samuel Laurence.
(c) Silas Smith.
(d) Percy Buckle.

10. The letters that Jack sends to Henry Phipps are written with what?
(a) Blood.
(b) Marker.
(c) Magnetic ink.
(d) Disappearing ink.

11. What author does Jack say he never heard Silas mention, though his schemes would have met with his approval, in his letter from Chapter 59?
(a) Jackson Anders.
(b) Charles Dickens.
(c) Lord Willington.
(d) Adam Smith.

12. What was the name on the pill bottles that Mary Britten began selling instead of sausages, according to Jack’s letter in Chapter 58?
(a) Ma Britten’s Special Remedy Pills for Women.
(b) Ma Britten’s Secret Ingredient Pills for Female Disorders.
(c) Dr. Britten’s Cock’s Spur Pills for Female Disorders.
(d) Dr. Britten’s Dysentery Curative Pills.

13. How much money does Jack say that Henry’s education cost him each year?
(a) 10 pounds.
(b) 20 pounds.
(c) 50 pounds.
(d) 100 pounds.

14. How old does Jack say Henry was the last time he saw him in Chapter 85?
(a) 6.
(b) 12.
(c) 4.
(d) 10.

15. What is the title of the Character Sketch that Tobias writes for the Observer in Chapter 50?
(a) “Titchy Tate.”
(b) “Sarah Silversmith.”
(c) “Jack Maggs.”
(d) “Witchy Wanda.”

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jack reveal to Constable about Henry Phipps in Chapter 47?

2. At what time does Jack say he will return to Tobias’s door in the morning in Chapter 84?

3. In Chapter 91, the narrator states that Mercy insisted the Maggs family move from Sydney to where after her arrival?

4. Whose name does Jack insist that Tobias never repeat again in Chapter 73?

5. What name does Mary recall having been tattooed on Mary Britten’s wrist in Chapter 86?

(see the answer keys)

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