Jack and Jill Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jack and Jill Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who knocks on the principal's door at her house?
(a) A strange man.
(b) A 13-year-old boy.
(c) An old woman.
(d) Jack.

2. Who sees the killer at Cross' home?
(a) Sampson.
(b) Cross.
(c) Nana Mama.
(d) No one.

3. Which of the killers makes way into the President's entourage in New York?
(a) Jill.
(b) Keith.
(c) Kevin.
(d) Jack.

4. Who does the Truth School killer shoot first at the Johnson residence?
(a) Cross.
(b) Sampson.
(c) Christine.
(d) George.

5. What is the name of Christine's husband?
(a) Sumner.
(b) Alex.
(c) John.
(d) George.

6. Who is killed at the Kennedy Center?
(a) A Supreme Court Justice.
(b) The President's wife.
(c) The President himself.
(d) The President's girlfriend.

7. Whose home does Jack sneak into in a way that is NOT characteristic of his typical murders?
(a) Cross.
(b) The President's.
(c) General Aiden Cornwall.
(d) Christine's.

8. What question remains in Cross' mind after a gunman is found dead in the tunnel where the President escaped?
(a) If the President's wife is actually Jill.
(b) Whether Hawkins was really Jack.
(c) Whether the President will live or die.
(d) Whether the dead woman was Jill.

9. Who spots a kid hanging around the school and sends him away?
(a) Christine.
(b) Mrs. Rosen.
(c) Jill.
(d) Mama Nana.

10. Who is shot and killed when the President's New York speech is interrupted?
(a) The President.
(b) Sampson.
(c) Jack.
(d) Hawkins.

11. Who is carrying false FBI credentials at the President's New York speech?
(a) Kevin.
(b) Jill.
(c) Jack.
(d) Cross.

12. Who does the Truth School killer ask for by name?
(a) Christine.
(b) Sampson.
(c) Cross.
(d) George.

13. Who is the CIA assassin that Cross suspects as part of the Jack and Jill killings?
(a) Kevin Hawkins.
(b) Jack Rosen.
(c) Paul Smith.
(d) Sam Johnson.

14. How does the President receive a message from Jack and Jill in New York?
(a) Poem on his hotel bed.
(b) Candy gram.
(c) With a flower delivery.
(d) Rolled up in a towel.

15. Who does Jack meet in his own hotel room that he hugs?
(a) Cross.
(b) Sampson.
(c) The President.
(d) Jill.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who travels to New York with the President?

2. Who calls the Washington, DC police regarding the specific information about the Truth School killings?

3. Why is Sampson at Cross' house when he returns from chasing a suspect?

4. Why does the killer have to choose who to shoot next after taking his hostage?

5. What advice does Cross give the President regarding public appearances?

(see the answer keys)

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