Ivanhoe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ivanhoe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is De Bracy?
(a) Prince John's councellor.
(b) Price John's nephew.
(c) Prince John's knight.
(d) Prince John's archer.

2. Where is Isaac imprisoned at the castle?
(a) In the tower.
(b) In the dungeon.
(c) In the chapel.
(d) In an apartment.

3. Who does Prince John worry the mysterious knight is?
(a) Ivanhoe
(b) King Richard.
(c) Waldemar Fitzurse.
(d) Robin Hood.

4. Who does the mysterious knight challenge to mortal combat?
(a) Prince John.
(b) Front-de-Boeuf.
(c) Brian de Bois-Guilbert.
(d) Malvoisin.

5. Where is the Palmer invited to go?
(a) To visit the chapel.
(b) To travel with the Normans.
(c) To see the castle's healer.
(d) To the kitchen for drinks.

6. Who directs the horsemen to the location where they want to go in Chapter 2?
(a) A minstrel.
(b) A peddler.
(c) A monk.
(d) A palmer.

7. How much money does Prince John want to collect from Isaac?
(a) Five hundred crowns.
(b) Two thousand crowns.
(c) One thousand crowns.
(d) Five thousand crowns.

8. Who accompanies Front-de-Boeuf to talk to Isaac in Chapter 22?
(a) DeBracy.
(b) Rebecca.
(c) Front-de-Boeuf's slaves.
(d) Prince John.

9. Where does the Palmer take Isaac the Jew?
(a) Sussex.
(b) Sherwood.
(c) York.
(d) Sheffield.

10. What does Isaac ask his cousin for?
(a) To treat the palmer for his illness.
(b) To pay the palmer for his kindness.
(c) To take the palmer to St. Botoph.
(d) To loan the palmer a horse and armor.

11. What does Isaac beg of Front-de-Boeuf in distress?
(a) To save him.
(b) Ransom.
(c) To marry Rebecca.
(d) To kill him.

12. Who manages to escape from the attack on the Saxons in the forest?
(a) Rebecca.
(b) Cedric.
(c) Wamba.
(d) Ivanhoe.

13. What language becomes the official language of England as a result of Norman royalty?
(a) Gaelic.
(b) French.
(c) English.
(d) German.

14. What item left behind by the keeper of the forest does Friar Tuck offer the Black Knight?
(a) A pastry.
(b) An apple.
(c) A piece of venison.
(d) A bottle of ale.

15. What is held immediately after the tournament is canceled?
(a) An archery contest.
(b) A foot race.
(c) A sheep herding contest.
(d) A wrestling contest.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Cedric's son named?

2. What does De Bracy promise Rowena should she marry him?

3. What does Fitzurse learn that De Bracy is planning to do in Chapter 15?

4. What job does Prince John offer the archery contest winner?

5. Who does the Disinherited Knight send money to?

(see the answer keys)

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