It's Not About the Bike Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

It's Not About the Bike Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Instead of giving Houston doctors a definitive answer, Lance and his mother do what?
(a) Head back to Austin to clear their minds.
(b) Fly to Indiana to speak with specialists there.
(c) Head to Dallas to be with relatives.
(d) Fly to San Diego to speak with specialists there.

2. Who is Rick Parker?
(a) Lance's manager.
(b) Lance's mentor, who owns a bike shop.
(c) Lance's friend, who is a doctor.
(d) Lance's competitor.

3. Before becoming a pro cyclist, Lance excels at:
(a) Amateur international racing.
(b) Benefit races.
(c) Cycling exhibitions.
(d) Line dancing.

4. How does Dr. Steven Wolf encourage Lance?
(a) By reminding him that he has many treatment options.
(b) By offering him painkilling herbs.
(c) By asking him for an autograph.
(d) By assuring him he'll live.

5. In "Before and After," what concern does Lance express regarding his mother?
(a) Whether or not she will recuperate from her illness.
(b) How he can make her proud of him.
(c) Whether or not she will support him emotionally.
(d) How he will tell her he has cancer.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Lance's body starts to show signs of illness, he is in the middle of:

2. Why do Lance and his mother feel uncomfortable with the plan proposed by Houston doctors?

3. What are the chances that Lance will survive his cancer?

4. What does Lance's mother do when she learns her son has cancer?

5. Why are doctors moving so swiftly with Lance's surgery and chemotherapy?

Short Essay Questions

1. In addition to covering his journey as a cancer survivor, what other main aspects of Lance Armstrong's life does the book discuss?

2. What reckless behavior almost prevents Lance from racing in a triathlon he's been training for? What is the final outcome?

3. At what point in his life does Lance begin to feel real fear?

4. Why does Lance need to bank his sperm prior to undergoing treatment for cancer?

5. What propels Lance to consult with a doctor?

6. What sports does Lance excel in as a child and teenager?

7. Who is Jim Hoyt, and what is his relationship to Lance?

8. What issues does Lance run into with health insurance as he goes into treatments to combat cancer?

9. What does Dr. Jim Reeves conclude after conducting a series of medical tests on Lance Armstrong?

10. Describe the circumstances of Lance's birth and first few years of life.

(see the answer keys)

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