It's Not About the Bike Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

It's Not About the Bike Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What positive change does Lance notice in his post-cancer body?
(a) He doesn't need to eat as much as before.
(b) He can handle the cold better.
(c) He can handle steep mountains better.
(d) He doesn't sweat as much as before.

2. Where do Lance's chemotherapy treatments take place?
(a) Indianapolis.
(b) Houston.
(c) San Diego.
(d) New York.

3. How does Bill Stapleton respond to what Alain Bondue tells him in private while Lance is undergoing chemo?
(a) Grows angry.
(b) Grows deeply sad.
(c) Tells him to talk with Lance about it.
(d) Tells him to do what he has to do.

4. Why does Lance call Kristin Richard "Kik?"
(a) It's easier to remember.
(b) Because of her "kick'in" cowboy boots.
(c) It's her nickname.
(d) He doesn't like the name Kristin.

5. How does Lance help his good friend, Stacy Pounds, who is dying from lung cancer?
(a) Arranges for her to see her son before she dies.
(b) Finds the right doctors for her.
(c) Introduces her to his chemotherapy nurse.
(d) Grants her wish to see the Grand Canyon before she dies.

6. How does Lance feel about the hype and press surrounding his return to pro cycling?
(a) It's wonderful.
(b) There's not enough of it.
(c) It's distracting.
(d) It seems insincere.

7. Who is Alain Bondue?
(a) Doctor who oversees chemo treatments.
(b) Director of the Cofidis cycling team.
(c) Head nurse of the chemo ward.
(d) Director of the Motorola cycling team.

8. What race do Kik and friends get Lance to commit to before he gives it all up?
(a) USA Cycling Cross Country Tour in Colorado Springs.
(b) USA Pro National Tour in Atlanta.
(c) US Cycling Nationals in Bend.
(d) US Pro Championships in Philadelphia.

9. When Lance and his wife move to France, where do they live?
(a) Nice.
(b) Amboise.
(c) Limoges.
(d) Lyon.

10. What line of work is Kik in?
(a) Health administration.
(b) Public relations.
(c) Accounting.
(d) Information technology.

11. Who is Bobby Julich?
(a) A competitor from Cofidis.
(b) A sponsor.
(c) A judge.
(d) A fellow US Postal teammate.

12. Even though Lance is busy with his foundation and cancer appears to be behind him, what is he afraid of?
(a) The cancer returning.
(b) His father coming back to his life.
(c) His foundation failing.
(d) Getting too close to Kik.

13. On his way back home from a speaking engagement, Lance is on a layover in Dallas when he hears what piece of news from Kik?
(a) She's feeling terribly depressed.
(b) She's at the hospital.
(c) She's having contractions.
(d) She's accidentally locked herself in their basement.

14. LaTrice helps Lance by explaining specifics of his treatment, answering his many questions, and:
(a) Writing his press releases.
(b) Being someone he can confide in.
(c) Sneaking food in for him.
(d) Calling his friends for him.

15. After returning to pro cycling, Lance ends up quitting. What do his friends say about his wish to formally announce his retirement?
(a) He should do whatever makes him happy.
(b) It's a great idea.
(c) They're ashamed of him.
(d) He should take time to think about it.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Alain Bondue want to talk with Bill Stapleton, Lance's manager?

2. When Lance wants to officially retire, what concerns his friends and family the most?

3. What happens when Lance trains in Boone, North Carolina, at a time when he feels he wants to quit pro cycling?

4. When he sees the large crowds at press events in the United States, how does Lance feel?

5. How many cycles of chemotherapy does Lance have to go through?

(see the answer keys)

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