It's Not About the Bike Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

It's Not About the Bike Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Houston doctors feel about Lance riding again?
(a) They think he will.
(b) They don't care one way or another.
(c) They doubt he will.
(d) They feel he shouldn't be thinking about this now.

2. How does Lance respond to pressure from the Houston doctor?
(a) He says he needs to think about it over lunch.
(b) He asks his mom to talk with this doctor.
(c) He tells the doctor to back off.
(d) He leaves without saying a word.

3. In "Before and After," what concern does Lance express regarding his mother?
(a) Whether or not she will recuperate from her illness.
(b) How he can make her proud of him.
(c) How he will tell her he has cancer.
(d) Whether or not she will support him emotionally.

4. What does an MRI reveal to Lance's doctors?
(a) A lump on his shoulder.
(b) The absence of cancer.
(c) Brain tumors.
(d) A heart condition.

5. Why does Lance have trouble fitting into his community and his high school?
(a) He has a lisp which makes him self-conscious.
(b) He doesn't understand the prevalent football mentality.
(c) His biological father makes life difficult for him.
(d) He is picked on for being too skinny.

6. Why does Lance ignore his body's symptoms?
(a) He doesn't trust doctors.
(b) He is a driven athlete trained to ignore pain.
(c) He doesn't want his competitors to ridicule him.
(d) He does not have health insurance.

7. How does Lance regard his stepfather, Terry Armstrong?
(a) Appreciates him.
(b) Dislikes him.
(c) They're very close.
(d) Misses him.

8. What is Cofidis?
(a) Lance's health insurance company.
(b) The team Lance rides with.
(c) The garment company that sponsors Lance.
(d) An advertising and PR agency.

9. What do all doctors agree upon with regards to Lance's brain lesions?
(a) They require surgery.
(b) They require radiation.
(c) They will impair his balance.
(d) He needs another MRI.

10. Lance's brain surgery:
(a) Takes five times as long as expected.
(b) Is not covered by insurance.
(c) Reveals additional lesions.
(d) Is a success.

11. Why does Lance bank his sperm prior to starting chemotherapy?
(a) A coach recommends he do this.
(b) The treatment may make him sterile.
(c) To see if the cancer has affected his sperm count.
(d) So he can have offspring in case he doesn't live.

12. When Lance arrives at the hospital in preparation for surgery to remove a cancerous growth, what is he hoping for?
(a) That the specialists know what they're doing.
(b) That his mother gets there on time.
(c) That he wakes up from this bad dream.
(d) That the diagnosis was wrong.

13. In addition to covering Lance's journey through cancer, this book documents the obstacles he overcame to:
(a) Become a champion golfer.
(b) Pay his mounting debt.
(c) Locate his birth mother.
(d) Win the Tour de France.

14. At the World Championships, Lance's mother sits and watches:
(a) For seven hours in the rain.
(b) Her portable TV.
(c) For the last fifteen minutes.
(d) For two days in the hot sun.

15. Who is Jim Hoyt?
(a) Swim teacher.
(b) Triathlon coach.
(c) Manager and uncle.
(d) Bike shop owner and mentor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lance's coach point out whenever he wants to quit racing?

2. How does Lance regard his biological father?

3. Why is Lance sent to see a urologist, Dr. Jim Reeves?

4. What is Lance's primary concern when he first learns he has cancer?

5. Despite his performance at the Tour de France at the age of twenty-one, what is Lance unable to do?

(see the answer keys)

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