It's Kind of a Funny Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Ned Vizzini
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

It's Kind of a Funny Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Ned Vizzini
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who serves as the PA system in the facility?
(a) Humble.
(b) Ebony.
(c) Smitty.
(d) President Armelio.

2. Why does Craig like Noelle's face?
(a) Noelle has strong features.
(b) Noelle wears her problems on her face.
(c) Noelle shows her feelings on her face.
(d) Noelle is beautiful.

3. What comes out of Ebony's top at the end of the big card tournament?
(a) Cards.
(b) A pile of buttons.
(c) Drawings.
(d) Money.

4. How does Craig want to live at the end of the novel?
(a) Craig wants to live without thoughts of suicide.
(b) Craig wants to live like there is no tomorrow.
(c) Craig wants to live for real.
(d) Craig wants to live like a normal person.

5. Why can Craig not draw the Lower East Side?
(a) Craig cannot draw it, because he has never been there.
(b) Craig cannot draw it, because Humble has never been there.
(c) Craig cannot draw it, because Ebony hates it.
(d) Craig cannot draw it, because Jonny and Bobby do not want to go back there.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Ondine's Curse?

2. What does Craig say has him down when Dr. Minerva asks?

3. What are Craig's Anchors in the facility?

4. Why does Craig believe in taking a cold shower?

5. What time is the guitar coming to the facility?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Craig do at the end of his stay for all the patients in the facility? Why?

2. What do Craig and the guitar guy, Neil, talk about before Neil leaves?

3. What are some of the greatest pieces of self-knowledge Craig takes away from the facility?

4. Why does Noelle request that she and Craig play the game, It's Just Questions?

5. Why does Craig tell Dr. Minerva that he has no Tentacles in the facility?

6. How does Craig's phone call go with his principal, Mr. Janowitz?

7. How does Craig's family react when he tells them he wants to transfer to an arts school?

8. At the end of Chapter 33, how is Craig feeling about his depression?

9. How does Craig's roommate, Muqtada, react when he finds Craig in his room with a visitor?

10. How does Craig prove his friendship and selflessness toward Muqtada at the end of Chapter 9?

(see the answer keys)

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