Island of the Sequined Love Nun Test | Final Test - Medium

Christopher Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island of the Sequined Love Nun Test | Final Test - Medium

Christopher Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After making his escape from the bungalow and emerging from the sea, who is the first person that Tuck sees?
(a) Malink.
(b) Sepie.
(c) Sarapul.
(d) Kimi.

2. How long does Jefferson rest on the reef after jumping off the ship before continuing on to the shores of Alualu?
(a) Fifteen minutes.
(b) Twenty minutes.
(c) Ten minutes.
(d) Five minutes.

3. What is the name of Beth and Sebastian's new pilot?
(a) Yamata.
(b) Samuto.
(c) Nomura.
(d) Larinda.

4. According to what Tuck tells Malink, from where did he come to the island when Vincent called him?
(a) The land of armored possums.
(b) The land of flying pigs.
(c) The land of milk and honey.
(d) The land of happenstance.

5. What does the ghost suggest that Tuck does the next morning?
(a) Go swimming.
(b) Confront Sebastian.
(c) Drink with Malink.
(d) Find Kimi.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Beth tell Jefferson that she should list as his cause of death?

2. Who tells Malink that the Sky Priestess is a fake?

3. Before Tuck leaves the hotel room, he tells Sepie to get on a plane the next morning. Where does Tuck tell Sepie to fly to?

4. Who tells Malink to have his people get ready to fight?

5. According to the mate Jefferson talks to, how long will Jefferson have on Alualu before the ship sails after unloading their cargo?

Short Essay Questions

1. When the music starts alerting the natives that the Sky Priestess will be appearing, why do the natives look at Malink in confusion?

2. When Tuck asks Sebastian why Sebastian isn't going to watch Beth's show for the natives, how does Sebastian respond?

3. When Roberto visits Kimi after Kimi has been shot, what does Roberto tell Kimi?

4. How do the Shark People respond when Tuck tries to convince them that the Curtises are bad people?

5. When the ghost introduces himself to Tuck, what does Tuck tell the ghost that he didn't have to be?

6. According to Jefferson's musing, what must the white tip sharks that saw him swimming to Alualu regret?

7. When the ghost introduces himself to Tuck, why is Tuck glad that he is a little bit drunk?

8. What do Sarapul and Kimi fashion the sail for their canoe from?

9. What does the Sorcerer promise to give Malink if Malink finds the man who came to the island with Tuck?

10. According to Beth, why has Jefferson been kept isolated in the clinic after being captured by the guards?

(see the answer keys)

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