Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How long does the earthquake last?
2. How does Karana catch Rontu's son?
3. What is Karana making for Rontu?
4. What is Rontu doing on days Karana works on the canoe?
5. What does the otter's name, Mon-a-nee mean?
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens to Karena on the very hot day after the winter storms when she takes the canoe to paddle around the reef?
2. How do Karana and Tutok spend their time together?
3. What does Karana lose in the damage of the tidal waves?
4. What does Karana do when she finds Rontu lying in the back of the lair in which he once lived?
5. How does Karana feel now that Tutok has gone away?
6. Karana survives the tidal waves and returns to the headland. What happens when Rontu-Aru greets her?
7. Karana makes several trips to her cave during the day to move all her belongings. On the final trip, she has a feeling someone has been there. What happens?
8. After two summers alone on the island, Karana sees the Aleut ship heading toward the island. How does she prepare for her move to the hidden cave she had set up in case the Aleuts returned?
9. What does Karana discover in Black Cave on the southern coast of the island that frightens her?
10. Explain why Karana considers her yard a happy place?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
1) Give three examples from the novel when Karana proves her selflessness and loyalty to a family member.
2) Summarize the events leading up to each example.
3) Analyze the consequences of each of Karana's selfless acts.
Essay Topic 2
1) Evaluate the relationship between Karana and Rontu.
2) How do their attitudes change toward one another throughout the novel?
3) Explain how they become a true family.
4) Give examples from the story of how they rely on one another.
Essay Topic 3
1) Outline the important events of Karana's life on the island.
2) Describe how she comes to be stranded on the island.
3) Describe what her courses of action are to survive on the island.
4) Describe how she copes with loneliness.
5) Explain why and how she leaves the island.
This section contains 826 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |