Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is one of the birds named Tainor?
(a) It is the name of a young man Karana liked.
(b) It is the name of an ancient tribal chief.
(c) It is the name of a small sailing ship.
(d) It is the name of the small dog Karana once owned.

2. Where did the large dog leader of the pack come from?
(a) The far side of the Island of the Blue Dolphins
(b) The Aleut ship
(c) Floated in on the surf one day after a storm
(d) A small ravine

3. What is the sound the unknown birds are making that Karana likes?
(a) Cooing
(b) Reep reep
(c) Screaming
(d) Tweeting

4. Where does Karana store the canoe for the winter?
(a) In a cave
(b) On the beach at Coral Cove
(c) At her house
(d) High on the cliffs

5. How does Karana catch Rontu's son?
(a) She catches him with xuchal, made from ground shells and wild tobacco.
(b) She catches him with a lure of abalone.
(c) She catches him with one of the snares she made.
(d) She catches him with the toluache weed. which put him to sleep.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Karana keep track of the time she has spent on the island?

2. What do Karana and Tutok do when they finally meet?

3. How does Karana plan to use the rock ledge in the newly-discovered cave?

4. What does Karana place in Rontu's grave?

5. Why does Karana deny living in the cave when the Aleut girl asks her?

Short Essay Questions

1. Karana watches for Tutok from a brushy ledge the morning after finding the necklace. What does Karana do when Tutok arrives, then turns to leave when she sees that Karana has not taken the necklace?

2. What does Karana do after the Aleut girl finds her and Rontu at the cave?

3. What is the great discovery that Karana and Rontu make as they travel around the island in the canoe?

4. Summarize Karana's feelings toward the animals on the island

5. What does Karana lose in the damage of the tidal waves?

6. Compare Rontu with his son, Rontu-Aru.

7. What does Karana do when she finds Rontu lying in the back of the lair in which he once lived?

8. What happens after Karana spears the giant devilfish?

9. After two summers alone on the island, Karana sees the Aleut ship heading toward the island. How does she prepare for her move to the hidden cave she had set up in case the Aleuts returned?

10. In case the Aleuts returned to the island, Karana repairs the canoe for a fast escape. What alterations does she make to the canoe to make it more manageable for her size?

(see the answer keys)

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