Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first thing Karana does after returning from her failed mission?
(a) Sleeps, exhausted on the sand of Coral Cove
(b) Kills a wild dog on the beach
(c) Fixes a leak on the canoe
(d) Builds a fire on the sandy beach

2. Why is Karana leaving the raging battle of sea elephants?
(a) She has vision in only one eye.
(b) Her elbow is swollen and throbbing.
(c) Darkness has fallen.
(d) Both sea elephants are mortally wounded.

3. What is Karana following across the small hills and a valley, club in hand?
(a) Nanko and Ramo and three wild dogs
(b) A pack of wild dogs
(c) Three men carrying the canoe away from Ghalas-at
(d) A group of men that came up from Coral Cove

4. What does Karana realize is happening while she is paddling the canoe?
(a) The kelp is too thick for a canoe
(b) The extra paddle is missing
(c) The sea otter may capsize the canoe
(d) The canoe is leaking

5. What is the first deal that Captain Orlov offers Chief Chowig with regard to the hunting catch?
(a) He offers trinkets brought from Russia to the chief.
(b) He offers one part of goods to be paid to the chief and two parts for the Captain's men.
(c) He offers only to leave the village alone if they let his men hunt.
(d) He offers one quarter of the catch to the chief.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is on the beach when Karana returns?

2. What is Karana able to get from the sea elephant carcass?

3. Why does each person of Ghalas-at have two names?

4. What is the name of Karana's six year old brother?

5. Why doesn't Karana go to the cliff to watch and count the catch each day?

Short Essay Questions

1. Overcome with fear that her brother will be abandoned on the island, what does Karana do? What is the outcome?

2. How many men come in the Aleut ship under the command of Captain Orlov. What do they want from the people of Ghalas-at village?

3. Why didn't Karana want to return to the Island of the Blue Dolphins after her canoe starts to leak?

4. Describe the preparations the people of the village make in case the Aleuts return and they have to escape?

5. Karana leaves the island in one of the hidden canoes. She is forced to turn back to the island after the canoe starts to leak badly. On the way back, she has two good fortunes. Describe what these good fortunes are.

6. How do the sea elephants help Karana decide where to build her new home?

7. Explain the image Karana uses to describe Roma's eyes.

8. Does Chief Chowig accept the black chest of beads as full payment from Captain Orlov and the Aleuts? Explain.

9. After the tribe recovers the school of white bass that are stranded on the rocky ledge, two of the Aleuts come to ask for some. What does Chief Chowig tell them?

10. How do the men of Ghalas-at village react when the Aleut ship sails into Coral Cove?

(see the answer keys)

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