Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is making the loud, thunderous noise on the hot day when Karana paddles her canoe around the reef?
(a) Thunder and lightning
(b) The earthquake
(c) Cannon fire
(d) A tidal wave

2. How does the island seem to Karana after Tutok leaves?
(a) More peaceful
(b) Very quiet
(c) Less dangerous
(d) Back to normal

3. What does Karana do with the yellow, wild dog after she catches him?
(a) She ties him in the yard, giving him food and water.
(b) She fashions a muzzle for him, so he won't bite her.
(c) She makes a cage to keep him in.
(d) She ties his legs together to prevent him from running away.

4. What does Karana store in a place below the headland in case the Aleuts returned?
(a) Animal skins, clothing, necklaces
(b) Two canoes, snares, colored stones, skins
(c) Extra clothing, the black stone necklace, and the caged birds
(d) A spear, bow quiver of arrows and dried shellfish

5. How does Karana care for the young otter she finds caught in the kelp?
(a) She frees it from the kelp and puts it in the sea.
(b) She frees it from the kelp and leaves it on the beach.
(c) She frees it from the kelp, puts it in a sheltered tide pool, and feeds it two fish.
(d) She brings it to her home and feeds it two dried fish.

6. Why doesn't Karana bring Rontu with her to check out the Aleut camp?
(a) The Aleut dogs will smell Rontu.
(b) Rontu will slow her down.
(c) Rontu will bark at the Aleuts.
(d) Karana doesn't want Rontu to get hurt.

7. How does Karana plan to use the rock ledge in the newly-discovered cave?
(a) Sleeping area
(b) Store food and water
(c) Lie in ambush of the wild dogs
(d) Store and conceal the canoe

8. After the ship lands in Coral Cove, what does Karana think about?
(a) She thinks about how she can hide from the men.
(b) She thinks of her brother Ramo, Rontu, and Ulape.
(c) She thinks about how she can chase the men away.
(d) She thinks of her ancestors, happy times, and her unfinished canoe.

9. Why does Karana decide she needs a new canoe?
(a) To flee if the Aleuts return
(b) To catch the faster devilfish
(c) To paddle away from The Island of the Blue Dolphins
(d) The old canoe is too lightweight

10. What does the pack leader do when he exits the cave?
(a) Stares menacingly at Karana
(b) Runs back in to the cave
(c) Runs to the head of the pack
(d) Runs off by himself

11. As Karana looks down at the empty harbor, what is she thinking?
(a) She feels good now that the sea otters will be safe.
(b) She thinks that she finally has the island to herself again.
(c) She is happy that she can move back to the headland.
(d) She thinks of Tutok and all the times they sat in the sun together.

12. What does Karana do for four nights prior to sleeping?
(a) Goes to the flat rock to sleep in safety
(b) Tosses stones at the vicious pack leader
(c) Chases the wild dogs away
(d) Makes more sharp spearheads

13. What is Rontu looking at over the edge of the reef?
(a) Sails on the far horizon
(b) A giant devilfish
(c) Scallops on the kelp
(d) Blue dolphins in the bay

14. What does Karana take after the incident before leaving the reef?
(a) Flesh cuttings from the beached blue dolphin
(b) Abalone
(c) Her spear point, spear and sinew line
(d) Scallops

15. Where do Karana and Rontu-Aru go during the earthquake?
(a) They lay on the ground next to each other.
(b) They crawl into their headland home.
(c) They go to the Black Cave.
(d) They get into the canoe and paddle away from land.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Rontu rushing forward to attack?

2. Why doesn't Karana move to the other end of the island while the Aleuts are hunting?

3. Spring time on The Island of the Blue Dolphins brought lots of these?

4. What does Karana do on sunny days after the Aleuts leave?

5. Why does Karana change Mon-a-nee's name?

(see the answer keys)

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