Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Karana deny living in the cave when the Aleut girl asks her?
(a) Karana does not trust the girl.
(b) Karana fears for her life.
(c) Karana doesn't like the girl.
(d) Karana doesn't want the girl visiting.

2. What does Karana place in Rontu's grave?
(a) She buries him with her black, stone necklace.
(b) She buries him with his favorite bone.
(c) She buries him with sand flowers and his favorite stick.
(d) She buries him with dried abalone, and wild berries.

3. Who is in the ship sailing to the island from the north?
(a) The white men
(b) Unfriendly natives from a different island
(c) Pirates
(d) The Aleuts

4. Although this is a happy time for Karana, what does she think about?
(a) Her friend, Tutok and her sister, Ulape
(b) The Aleuts who might return
(c) The wild dogs
(d) Her brother, Ramo

5. Which one of the Aleuts is Karana afraid will find her?
(a) The Aleut dog
(b) The Aleut girl
(c) The Aleut captain
(d) One of the Aleut hunters

6. How does the island seem to Karana after Tutok leaves?
(a) More peaceful
(b) Back to normal
(c) Less dangerous
(d) Very quiet

7. How does Karana care for the young otter she finds caught in the kelp?
(a) She frees it from the kelp and puts it in the sea.
(b) She frees it from the kelp, puts it in a sheltered tide pool, and feeds it two fish.
(c) She frees it from the kelp and leaves it on the beach.
(d) She brings it to her home and feeds it two dried fish.

8. How does Karana keep track of the time she has spent on the island?
(a) She draws a line on the wall of her house with charcoal for each moon that has passed.
(b) She cuts a mark in a pole beside her door of all the moons that have passed.
(c) She sews one bead on her dress for each moon that has passed.
(d) She puts one shell in a box for each moon that has passed.

9. What does Karana do when she sees Tutok turning away and leaving through the brush?
(a) Karana smiles, glad that Tutok is leaving.
(b) Karana throws a spear at Tutok.
(c) Karana jumps to her feet, runs down the ravine, and calls Tutok's name.
(d) Karana quietly hides in the bushes.

10. As Karana looks down at the empty harbor, what is she thinking?
(a) She feels good now that the sea otters will be safe.
(b) She thinks that she finally has the island to herself again.
(c) She is happy that she can move back to the headland.
(d) She thinks of Tutok and all the times they sat in the sun together.

11. What is Rontu looking at over the edge of the reef?
(a) A giant devilfish
(b) Blue dolphins in the bay
(c) Scallops on the kelp
(d) Sails on the far horizon

12. As Karana watches Rontu from a short distance, what is she seeing?
(a) The Aleuts beating one of their crew mates
(b) A two-on-one dog fight to the death
(c) Darkness closing fast
(d) Storm-force winds killing hundreds of gulls

13. What does Karana take after the incident before leaving the reef?
(a) Flesh cuttings from the beached blue dolphin
(b) Abalone
(c) Scallops
(d) Her spear point, spear and sinew line

14. When Karana reaches the meadow, what does she see standing on the mound?
(a) Rontu
(b) A pack of dogs
(c) Aleuts
(d) Hundreds of gulls

15. What does Karana do before she climbs the ledge at the mouth of the cave?
(a) Makes three more spears
(b) Makes three more arrows
(c) Lights a fire at the cave entrance
(d) Checks her drinking water

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Karana attempt to catch a devilfish?

2. What does Karana do with the wounded sea otters that the Aleut hunters leave behind?

3. After fishing, as Karana climbs the cliff what does she hear?

4. Where do Karana and Rontu-Aru go during the earthquake?

5. Why does Karana make four snares during her time inside in the winter?

(see the answer keys)

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