Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When the wild dogs are heard barking, who is being attacked?
(a) Children of the Ghalas-at village
(b) Ramo
(c) Chief of The Island of the Blue Dolphins
(d) Nanko

2. What name does Ramo choose as he tells Karana he is a man and the tribal chief?
(a) Takes the name Chief Ramo
(b) Takes the name Chief Son of Chowig
(c) Takes the name Chief of The Island of the Blue Dolphins
(d) Takes the name Chief Tanyositlopai

3. What is a law in Ghalas-at?
(a) None are permitted to leave Ghalas-at after dark.
(b) Men of the tribe distribute the cooked food.
(c) All must participate in the yearly sea otter hunt.
(d) Women of the tribe cannot make weapons.

4. Why does the number of men in the Ghalas-at tribe change suddenly?
(a) Many are killed in battle.
(b) There is constant arguing and unrest among the villagers.
(c) Many choose to leave the village with Chief Chowig.
(d) Many choose to leave the village and follow Captain Orlov.

5. What is swimming ahead of the canoe?
(a) Nothing
(b) Blue dolphins
(c) Sea otters
(d) Three sea elephants with huge tusks

6. How do the sea otters affect humans?
(a) They are valuable as a food source.
(b) They are valuable to the Aleuts as a source for lamp oil.
(c) They are a nuisance to successful fishing close to shore.
(d) They are valuable to the Aleuts because of their thick, beautiful pelts.

7. What do the villagers think about as they keep watch of the Aleut hunt from the cliffs?
(a) How much the catch means in beads and other things
(b) How much their lives have improved since the Aleuts came
(c) The dolphins off shore near the ship
(d) How exciting it will be when the Aleuts bring the women and children to settle here

8. What is the name of Karana's six year old brother?
(a) Orlov
(b) Ghalas-at
(c) Ramo
(d) Chowig

9. Why is Karana leaving the raging battle of sea elephants?
(a) Her elbow is swollen and throbbing.
(b) Both sea elephants are mortally wounded.
(c) Darkness has fallen.
(d) She has vision in only one eye.

10. Who does Nanko think runs ahead of the group and boards the ship?
(a) Ulape
(b) Ramo
(c) Kimka
(d) Matasaip

11. Where does Chief Chowig dispatch several young men?
(a) To the beach to watch the Aleuts so they couldn't sail away without paying the agreed price
(b) To the Aleut camp with beads
(c) To make more spears
(d) To the cliffs to watch for more Aleut ships

12. What is it Karana makes after many tries?
(a) A net to catch a sea elephant
(b) A bow and some arrows
(c) A winter cloak from sea elephant hides
(d) A fishing spear

13. What is slowing the construction of the house?
(a) Wild dogs
(b) Scarcity of useful wood
(c) Need to keep watch for ships
(d) Constant need to hunt for food

14. What is Karana able to get from the sea elephant carcass?
(a) Whiskers
(b) Strong hide
(c) Teeth
(d) Cooking oil

15. Where does a white puff of smoke come from?
(a) An Aleut bonfire on the beach
(b) Cannon fire by the Aleut ship
(c) Burning the hollow log
(d) A fire the villagers make on the cliffs

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the decision of Chief Kimki?

2. Why did the Russians come to Coral Cove?

3. Why are the villagers calmed after the alarm?

4. Why is Karana putting a canoe in the water at Coral Cove?

5. Who greets the large Russian man after he says that he comes in peace?

(see the answer keys)

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