Island of the Blue Dolphins Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Island of the Blue Dolphins Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 5.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Captain Orlov's reaction to Chief Chowig's refusal of one chest as payment?
(a) He instructs his men not to use knives and spears.
(b) He has the six chests brought to the beach after the ship is fully loaded.
(c) He tells Chief Chowig there are more chests on the ship just like the one on the sand.
(d) He sets sail while the sun is still high.

2. What is the first deal that Captain Orlov offers Chief Chowig with regard to the hunting catch?
(a) He offers only to leave the village alone if they let his men hunt.
(b) He offers trinkets brought from Russia to the chief.
(c) He offers one part of goods to be paid to the chief and two parts for the Captain's men.
(d) He offers one quarter of the catch to the chief.

3. What is the final deal that Chief Chowig accepts from Captain Orlov?
(a) Three parts for the Chief and one part for Captain Orlov
(b) Payment in gold for hunting off the coast of Coral Cove
(c) One quarter of the catch
(d) Equal parts of the hunting catch

4. What is the name of Karana's six year old brother?
(a) Chowig
(b) Ghalas-at
(c) Orlov
(d) Ramo

5. How did the name, Island of the Blue Dolphins, possibly originate?
(a) From the earliest people to visit the island
(b) From the reflective coloring of the dolphins at sunset
(c) From an ancient song of the Ghalas-at village
(d) From the single dolphin once seen offshore

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Chief Chowig dispatch several young men?

2. What are the beds of kelp close to the shore used for?

3. What was the problem the tribe encountered when Captain Mitriff came to the village to hunt years before?

4. Why does each person of Ghalas-at have two names?

5. What do the crew members of the ship do after it lands in Coral Cove?

(see the answer key)

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