Ishi: Last of His Tribe Test | Final Test - Medium

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ishi: Last of His Tribe Test | Final Test - Medium

Theodora Kroeber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Sheriff give to Ishi that makes him smile?
(a) A cigar and a smile.
(b) A warm blanket.
(c) Fresh clothes.
(d) A plate of food and a cup of water.

2. According to Majapa, what keeps the Yahi world alive?
(a) The spirits of all of the Yahi who are buried there keep the world alive.
(b) Both he and Ishi remember it.
(c) The memories of all of the people and events live in the very earth.
(d) The artifacts left behind will tell the story.

3. What observation does Ishi make about saldu greetings?
(a) Some greetings are friendlier than others are.
(b) They grab each other's right hands.
(c) Men grab hands and women hug.
(d) The greetings are always loud and boisterous.

4. What wakes Ishi in the morning in "To the Edge of the World, Section 2?"
(a) The voice of the Monster (the train).
(b) The voices of two men fighting in the street.
(c) The Sheriff opening the door.
(d) The barking of saldu dogs.

5. How does the group travel from the saldu village to the Yahi world?
(a) By train.
(b) On horseback.
(c) On foot.
(d) By wagon.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Majapa and Maliwal scatter over the waves as their sacrifice?

2. What does Majapa show to Ishi after breakfast?

3. What museum items does Majapa take Ishi to see on his second day in the city?

4. What does Ishi share with Majapa as they sit on the bank of Banya Creek?

5. What does Mother take from her treasure bundle and wear on the night that she dies?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Ishi affected by seeing the baskets that Tushi had made?

2. Why does the return of his quiver and knife lead Ishi to suggest the trip to the Yahi world?

3. How do Ishi's friends show respect for him after his death?

4. How does Majapa's Dream compare to Ishi's Dream?

5. How might Ishi's actions following Mother's death be described as a type of symbolic death?

6. Why is Ishi hesitant about bringing Majapa and Maliwal into the Yahi world?

7. What evidence in Section 4 of "The Ending People" reveals Mother's emotional strength?

8. Why does Ishi choose to return to the museum rather than stay in the Yahi world?

9. What are Ishi's initial reactions to the City?

10. What does Ishi value about his relationship with the girl that he meets in the arroyo?

(see the answer keys)

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